Three Keys to Avoiding the Pitfalls of Vegas Casino Games

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Three Keys to Avoiding the Pitfalls of Vegas Casino GamesWe’ve all got a little gamble in us, or otherwise we wouldn’t be playing
poker. But there are ways to enjoy blackjack, slots and other casino
games without busting our World Series of Poker budgets. Here’s how.

If you want to gamble in the pits or at the slots, you should allocate
only a certain percentage of your bankroll for these games. And I
suggest that the percentage should be low, as your expected value is a
negative number given the house purchase required casinosI’d also recommend only using a small amount of the money you allocate
toward the pits during each session. For example, if you have $500 to
play the games over multiple days of your trip, you shouldn’t blow all
$500 in one sitting. Set a stop loss of $100 to $200 so you’ll have more
to gamble with on succeeding days.I’m sure you’ve never heard of a
professional roulette player, but surely you’ve heard of the MIT
blackjack teams. Now while you probably don’t want to form a team and
risk getting kicked out of the casinos, it is actually possible to have a
slight edge over the casinos in blackjack with just standard solo play.
Use the standard plus-minus card counting system and push out higher
bets when the count is good for making blackjacks and profitable
double-down opportunities. Even if you don’t want to bother with
learning card counting, just playing correct basic strategy lessens the
house odds to 1 or 2 percent. Just avoid those tables paying 6-to-5 on
blackjacks that have sprung up in Vegas like weeds.

Avoid the aforementioned roulette, as well as keno. Slots are a bad bet
too, although the payout percentage on $1 or above denominations isn’t
terrible. Other good bets besides blackjack include playing pass line
with odds in craps (avoid any bets in the middle of the felt) and video

Posted 22 Jul 2019

SvennyJay says
Gave up all the casino games not so long ago and focused on sports betting because it seems to be more profitable. At least after I started to use to get all the needed info.
Posted 18 Oct 2019

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Posted 14 Nov 2019

ketharney says
If you want to gamble in the pits or at the slots, you should allocate only a certain percentage of your bankroll for these games. Play games with the best odds. I'm sure you've never heard of a professional roulette player, but surely you've ...  best Treadmills

Posted 16 Nov 2019

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