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Baby in the womb Health Articles | September 11 , 2009
?Every parent is curious to see his or her newborn baby. But before the baby steps out in the beautiful world there are many process take place relating to
its development, may it be socially, physically, mentally or emotionally. Thus
it becomes very important to know the developments when the baby is in the
?The child is like a tadpole when just conceived Wholesale Basketball Shoes , but nine months later transforms to a complete being.

????????????????????????????????????????????????? To know the baby in the womb, first it is important to know the three stages it goes through
during the nine months in the womb. The three stages are divided into
Pre-embryonic stage, Embryonic Stage and the fetal stage. Pre-embryonic stage is
the very initial stage. Here cell division takes place and the zygote grows,
till it forms a cell cluster. Once this cell cluster is formed it puts itself in
the uterus. Later in this stage the cells so formed arrange three layers. The
next is the embryonic stage. This is almost for five and half to six week.
During this time period the baby is called the embryo. During this stage the
formation of organs and organ systems of the body start to develop and appear
from the various layers of cells. The last stage is the fetal stage. This stage
onwards the embryo is than called as the foetus. This stage begins from the
eighth or ninth week of gestation and continues till the birth of the baby. This
is a very critical stage for the baby in the worm Cheap Basketball Shoes 2020 , because during this stage the organs become visible. Though the foetus is just of 3-4 cms face, hands, legs can be observed. This phase is
of around 30weeks, and continues till the baby is

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The five sense organs are well recognized by the unborn baby. The senses of
touch Cheap Mens Basketball Shoes , smell, sight, hear and taste plays an important part in the baby?s later future. Till the end of seventh week the baby develops the sense of
touch. It begins with cheeks and than the rest of the body parts slowly. By the
32nd-33rd week heat, temperature Cheap Womens Basketball Shoes , cold, pain can be felt by every part of the unborn baby. Sense of smell begins quite early, that is in 11th-15th weeks only. One good
example is that of breast-milk. The foetus can smell it. The nasal system
comprises of four subsystems. Amniotic fluid passes through the nasal cavities
and detects the smell senses. Sense of hearing starts to develop in the 18th
week and is completed by the 24th week.25th week is a very special for the
parents, because from this week the baby in the womb starts to hear their voice
and by the 27th also recognize it. There is no silence in the womb too. There is
the blood?s gurgling and rumbling noise Cheap Basketball Shoes Free Shipping , mother?s voice and others too can be heard. The taste glands too develop by the 13th-15th week. The foetus can smell the strong smells
of onion, garlic etc from the mother?s diet. This sense plays a very important
role in the baby?s life. Researches prove that when the foetus is surrounded by
sweet tastes fetus?s swallowing increases while it decreases when surrounded by
bitter tastes. Sense of sight is developed the last of all the senses. Around
26-27 weeks after the baby?s eyes blink in the womb. Later it becomes capable to
detect the dim lights and than sunlight if the mother is exposed to the sunrays.

??????????????????????????????????????????????? With tremendous development in the field of medical science researches show that it is possible
to communicate with the baby in the womb. The foetus responds to the teaching
and external stimulus. Prenatal training proves to be helpful to mothers too as
it helps to communicate with the unborn baby. The best and fruitful time to
start this is in 2nd trimester. The simple reason behind this is that till this
time the mothers too have adjusted to the various physical, psychological and
emotional changes due to pregnancy. Baby in the womb, better called as the
foetus starts to respond from the 6th to 12th week itself. Communication with
the baby in the womb can be done in some very simple ways like
reading Cheap Basketball Shoes China , singing or talking to him or her. It has been found that the baby in the worm loves to hear the parent?s voice, and it can surely
recognize it, as it is unique for him or her. This makes bonding even stronger
and long lasting.

It is not common place to see a couple celebrate their silver anniversary while golden anniversaries are truly rare
events. It is probably the age that we live in where we don't care as much as
people used to about their partners. Then there comes a point when the
relationship falls apart and you realize what you have missed out on. It is a
classic case of not realizing what you have got till it's gone. If you have
spent hours reading advice columns on "how to get back your girlfriend"; here is
a plan that actually works. But before you start it us imperative to realize
that "how to get back your girlfriend" efforts take time to yield results.
Getting back together with ex is a daunting task so you will need all the skills
and patience that you have.

If she isn't seeing anybody else, things will be easier but if she has a new man in her life; the last thing that you want to
do is criticize him; this will just show how immature you are. If it hurts you
too much t talk about him; don't. Try not to make it blatantly obvious that you
are jealous Cheap Basketball Shoes , instead clench your fist, plant a smile on your face and accept the truth. Pointing out her new mans short comings will just open the way
for her to point out your deficiencies and things can quickly get out of hands

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Posted 23 Nov 2019

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