How to Apply Emotional Intelligence to Work

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The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) has been studied for decades. But this idea is starting to spread. And it started to be noticed by people in 1995 from Daniel Goleman's book Emotional Intelligence.
Even then, at first, no slot  one thought that emotional intelligence was essential to work. because it looks abstract intangible Therefore, it is often thought that emotional intelligence does not exist. But when studying More research on emotional intelligence It was found that emotional intelligence had a huge impact on work efficiency.
McKinsey & Company also predicts that organizations will need people with advanced technological, social, emotional, and cognitive skills by 2030, even more in the post-COVID-19 world. Emotional intelligence is more relevant to work than ever before, so it is imperative that we develop emotional intelligence. for the benefit of successful work both personal life and work in the organization
1. Emotionally stable
Although emotional intelligence is a set of skills, attitudes, and behaviors, it can also be variable. Because our emotions can go up and down at any time when we are tired or irritable. We may lose our ability to control our emotions. What's even worse is that it can be triggered easily. and may show aggressive behavior
Since emotional intelligence is the ability to manage our lives. including building abilities Therefore, it has to start with developing the ability to control emotions, be mindful, and calm the mind. Let yourself relax from stress. Anxiety takes a break when needed. Take some vacation and if it's a holiday I try not to interfere with work.
2. Practice empathy for others.
The easiest way to practice empathy for others is to empathize with us. or try to see yourself as him This is the most important leadership skill. Empathy is the foundation for building and strengthening relationships. Moreover can also build a good team get involved and more efficient Moreover, practicing empathy for others also increases happiness. practice self expression and promote cooperation can practice with
Get to know more people, such as their backgrounds and interests.
before judging and criticizing Take a moment to compile and collect all relevant information.
Listen more and speak less.
Practice self-awareness with notes and suggestions.
Ask people how they feel when they say something is wrong.
Be sincere and a little sentimental.
3. Somewhat emotionally sensitive
fragility or emotional sensitivity “It's a willingness to recognize one's own emotions. especially the feeling of pain” when referring to fragility. Usually refers to emotional sensitivity. especially difficult emotions such as anxiety, frustration, and feeling ashamed. but another part It's about accepting those negative emotions. and find ways to deal with it. I might go for a walk to clear my brain. when anxious We may recite a prayer. or if you are feeling bad Maybe call a friend who can make us laugh.
Posted 17 Jun 2021

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    Posted 19 Jun 2021

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