To vape or not to vape? That is the question Hi everyone,

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Hi everyone,
A new study has come out that claims that e-cigarettes may actually lower your chance of successfully quitting cigarettes. This is ironic as most people who use e-cigarettes do so precisely because they are trying to quit.
Our news report looks into these claims and Professor Linda Bauld, Cancer Research UK’s prevention champion concludes that  “We should be very cautious about assuming that this review tells us that e-cigarettes don't help smokers quit. Other evidence suggests they do - and this is particularly relevant for the UK where smoking rates have continued to decrease as e-cigarette use has increased.”

Do you smoke e-cigarettes? Have they helped you quit smoking cigarettes?

Posted 15 Oct 2020

SallyMarks says
I have never smoked cigarettes. I smoke VAPE just to get high.
Posted 15 Oct 2020

tomsands says
I know this is super late.
Posted 15 Oct 2020

SallyMarks says
I know this is super late. I have a few friend that are claiming to have stopped smoking because of vape, but they are still vaping, and that can't be good for health. There is no way to stop them from doing it, but when you think about it, vaping is better than smoking cigarettes. It is much cheaper to do because you have cool vape kits for low price in online shops. It is really convenient to buy it now, and even though a lot of places are trying to ban it, it is not happening. It is not really good and I will try to help my friends with stopping.
Posted 15 Oct 2020

For instance, in California, there are regulations to use vape pen. Most people use vape mods to vaporize nicotine and avoid other tobacco products. These units look like a pen. banner og raw garden Vape mods use a small cartridge that contains e-liquid. This liquid is made of propylene glycol and liquid nicotine with different flavors.
Posted 17 Feb 2022

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Posted 08 Mar 2022

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Posted 15 Mar 2023

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