7 ways to prevent it "Smell of the elderly" according to the Japanese way

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Aging odor is the body odor of people aged 40 years and over. The actual odor that occurs can occur in both women and men, but it seems that Japanese men aged 40 and above are more likely to smell aging. more than slotxo women So many people call this scent uncle scent. Let's take a look at the causes of aging odor and how to prevent it, as recommended by Japanese people.
Causes of the smell of the elderly
The odor of an elderly man smells like a blend of wax, old books, candles and mold. This smell is due to the fact that with age, the body's ability to suppress oxidation reactions (Oxidation Reaction) decreases, causing unsaturated fatty acids and lipid peroxide in the body to rise. and resulted in the oxidation reaction of unsaturated fatty acids on the surface with lipids. peroxide as a catalyst causing the accumulation of 2-Nonenal substances, which are unsaturated aldehydes. that causes the smell of the elderly
How to prevent the smell of the elderly according to the advice of Japanese people
wipe sweat often
The accumulated sweat contributes to the growth of body odor-causing bacteria. frequent sweating Therefore, it is one way to reduce the growth of bacteria that cause body odor and the smell of the elderly.
Soak in warm water
Nowadays, most people work in air-conditioned rooms where they can't sweat. If sweating does not cause sweat glands to function less and results in waste products that occur in the body to be accumulated in the sweat glands. Soaking in warm water will open pores and waste sweat glands will come out of your pores and float with the water. If you don't like warm water Exercising to sweat is also a good way to remove waste products that accumulate in sweat glands from your body.
Take a shower or wash your body meticulously.
Bathing to clean the body with soap that has antibacterial properties or soap that has a deodorizing effect on the elderly, such as soap with extracts of persimmon and green tea, etc., should be done both in the morning and Cool to prevent aging smell. The area that should be cleaned meticulously is Areas with a lot of sebaceous glands, such as behind the ears, behind the neck, chest and back, to prevent the growth of bacteria that convert fatty acids to unsaturated aldehydes. which causes the smell of the elderly
no smoking
Cigarettes are an important factor that increases free radicals in the body and reduces the metabolic functions of the body. causing poor blood flow and causing the accumulation of waste in the body Resulting in an increase in the smell of the sebaceous glands and causing the body to stink
Eat foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and dietary fiber.
Increased free radicals in the body will cause lipids. Peroxide increases Lipid peroxide will accelerate the formation of unsaturated aldehydes. which causes the smell of the elderly Therefore, eating foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene will have antioxidant effects. Resulting in reducing the occurrence of lipids peroxide
Foods rich in vitamin C include tomatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, lemons, kiwis, oranges, and guavas.
Foods rich in vitamin E include pumpkins, avocados, sweet potatoes, asparagus, lemons, kiwis, grapes, nuts, salmon and eels.
Carotene-rich foods include carrots, pumpkin, and papaya.
In addition to foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene. Dietary fiber and fermented foods such as yogurt, natto, pickles, and kimchi, among others, are rich in lactic acid bacteria that help reduce the number of bad bacteria. And helps to adjust the environment in the intestines, which leads to reducing the smell of the elderly as well.
Avoid eating too much meat or fat.
Animal fat stimulates the sebaceous glands to release excess sebum. which in addition to enhancing the occurrence of the smell of the elderly, it also makes the body odor stink You should also avoid foods that are fried or use a lot of oil. Because the linoleic acid in the oil is converted to cholesterol and triglycerides. that will be further transformed into a lipid Peroxide in the body and cause body odor in the elderly.
Avoid accumulating stress.
The accumulated stress in the body produces free radicals. which leads to the promotion of body odor in the elderly
Most of the elderly people with body odor are unaware that they have body odor. Therefore, people close to you must dare to tell in order to fix it before it becomes a chronic body odor problem. Although deodorants are readily available, they are only temporary deodorants. If you do not want the smell of the elderly to occur, it must be prevented early. as above method
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