A western church wedding vows

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, United States
I will give you this ring and put on my joy and love. I choose you to be my wife. From now on, in prosperity or in adversity, in prosperity or in poverty,
in health or in sickness, I will love you and cherish you until the end of
______, I will give you this ring and put on my joy and love. I choose you to be my husband. From now on, in prosperity or in adversity, in prosperity or
in poverty, in health or in sickness, I will love you and cherish you until the
end of time.
Therefore, I promise to be faithful to you, to let you see my love, just as Christ sacrificed his life for the church. I will always love you as I love
myself, for in the eyes of god we are one.
The wedding vows in western churches.
Male: "I (name of holy name), and is willing to comply with the rules of the church, to accept you as my legal wife, from now on, the environment,
whether good or bad, is rich is rich, healthy disease, success is failure, I
will support you, love you, and you share the joys and sorrows, hand in hand to
build a good family, until the day I die. I now swear to god that I will always
be faithful to you!
Female: "I (name of holy name), and is willing to comply with the rules of the church, to accept you as my lawful husband, from now on, the environment,
whether good or bad, is rich is rich, healthy disease, success is failure, I
will support you, love you, and you share the joys and sorrows, hand in hand to
build a good family, until the day I die. I now swear to god that I will always
be faithful to you!
"And now, no matter how good or bad the situation is, the rich and poor, sick or not, vow to love each other, until death do not separate."
Western church wedding vows: Catholic.
XXX, would you like to marry XXX, live with him according to the bible lesson, and become one with her before god, love her, comfort her, respect her,
protect him, as you love yourself. Whether she was ill or healthy, rich or poor,
always true to her until she left the world?
I'd love to.
XXX, would you like to marry XXX, live with him according to the bible lesson, and be one with him before god, love him, comfort him, respect him,
protect him, as you love yourself. Whether he is ill or healthy, rich or poor,
stay true to him until he leaves the world?
I'd love to.
(exchange rings)
XXX, please follow me and say:
This is my wedding pledge. I want to marry you, love you and protect you. I am your faithful husband, rich and poor, good and bad, sick and healthy.
XXX, please follow me and say:
This is my wedding pledge. I will marry you, love you and protect you. I am your faithful wife, rich and poor, good and bad, sick and healthy.
Ask both of you to follow me:
Go where you are, and I will go there. You lodge there, and I lodge there. Your kingdom is my kingdom and your god is my god.
According to the holy scriptures give us authority, I declare you a couple. What god has joined together, let no man separate.
The Catholic marriage mass, the newly married couple is the subject, the bishop or the priest is a witness to the wedding. The marriage vows in the
Catholic church are like this:
XXX, I admit that you are my wife (husband), regardless of circumstances, disease and health, I will always love you, respect you, unswervingly. May the
Lord look down upon my vows.
The bride and groom say, not like the movie, just "I do".
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Posted 21 May 2018

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