Top export products from the province are

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Vern Arnett
Submitted 2016-07-05 00:46:57 You should know about many types of coverage Wholesale NFL Football Jerseys , and make sure that you your insurance covers every little thing. Liability insurance will be the type of coverage that protects your
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It's easier to look for classic cars in the classifieds because then you are free to look at thousands of cars from lot's a variety of places
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But exactly why is classic car insurance expensive? Well, to qualify as a classic car, it has to be over twenty-five years old. Seen on
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Many specialty insurance policies such being the one you have been looking for have monthly or
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JINAN, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- Shandong Province in east China set a new record of exporting farm products worth 107.5 billion yuan (about 15.6 billion U.S.
dollars) in 2016, according to the provincial government.

Shandong has been the country's top agricultural product exporter for the past 18 years. Shandong's farm exports, accounting for nearly a quarter of the
nation's total, grew by 13.1 percent year on year in 2016.

Top export products from the province are vegetables, freshwater and seafood products, while fresh and dried fruits and potato products are gaining

The major export destinations are Southeast Asian countries, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

Provincial officials say measures are in place to ensure food safety, which helps Shandong farm exports gain bigger global market shares.

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Posted 13 May 2019

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