Guide To Getting Laid on Instagram

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Age: 2023
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Points: 10

I've had a few people asking me to do this, and with the lockdown here in Sydney being extended i thought i would finally make this thread.

With Instagram the first thing you want to do is get a decent amount of
followers. A minimum of at least 2000, but ideally you should have
between 5 and 10 thousand to really stand out. You should always have
more followers than following.

The second thing is engagement, people need to be engaging and
interacting with your posts, it's great to have tons of followers but if
nobody is liking or commenting on your pictures it looks really sus.

The third thing is photos, you need good quality professionally taken
pictures. You also need pictures with friends and you going out, so she
knows you have a life. If your photos are not so good, a trick i learnt
is it to make your account private so women follow you back out of sheer

DMing women, now you need to make sure they follow you back to even see
your message. Otherwise you end up stuck in the message request

The best way to DM a woman is to reply to her story, it can be any
comment or even a compliment. If she replies your good to go, if she
just likes your message but doesnt reply you need to ignore and move on.

The beauty of a good instagram profile is, you have a near unlimited
amount of options. Its very easy ti search for women to follow. Just
look up bars and clubs in your are and follow the women who posted
photos there.

Posted 14 Feb 2022

christense says
You may not believe me, but Instagram has become the new Tinder. According to the New York Times, the social media behemoth has outgrown its role as a photo-sharing app and is now used as an unofficial dating site. Until recently, I did not care what I posted and the followers I had, but since I started using and my followers' number has increased a lot, I have some strategies when posting. And when I tell you that many men are willing now to take me out to dates and buy me gifts, I am not lying. I love this kind of attention from the opposite gender, and I find Instagram now very important for {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}
Posted 14 Feb 2022

Jac says
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Posted 14 Feb 2022

Azilik says
Just finished watching The Darwin Awards movie and I must admit, it was pretty good. I’m glad I listened to your advice.
Posted 20 Feb 2022

Lasatin says
For many subject photographers, the question of how to photograph jewelry often arises, and this poses a really good question. I learned 4 great ways on and they really made my job even better as it allowed me to do more complicated and specific orders. I think this will be helpful to many of us.
Posted 06 Dec 2022

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