The secret to a romantic night is…

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So it’s date night and you want to set the mood for romance…what’s the right plan to make? Interestingly, you should go to a movie, but not any old flick.

----------------------If you want kisses after the credits roll, then a romantic chick flick should be your choice, according to a recent study by the University of Michigan. ------------------------

Researchers reached this conclusion after testing the hormone levels of three different groups of men and women who were shown a variety of movies. One group watched a romantic scene from The Bridges of Madison County, a second viewed a violent portion of The Godfather: Part II, and a third was shown a documentary on the Amazon rainforest. While the viewers watching the rainforest footage experienced no hormonal changes, researchers found that The Bridges of Madison County caused a surge in both men’s and women’s levels of progesterone, a hormone that triggers the urge to cuddle. “Progesterone is known to have anxiety-reducing, soothing effects,” explains Oliver C. Schultheiss, associate professor of psychology at the University of Michigan and co-author of the study. In this way, progesterone can pave the way for romance and help couples bond, he says.

Posted 15 May 2006

Asian says
Never been on a date, but i did meet up with my khan a few time, just me and him

Plan to fail.........

take everything nice and smooth

Posted 15 May 2006

Daydreamer says
That seems pretty interesting Mallak..
Posted 15 May 2006

Sonhal says
yup it's actually...
Posted 15 May 2006

Daydreamer says
Posted 15 May 2006

Sonhal says
Posted 15 May 2006

Daydreamer says
Posted 15 May 2006

Posted 15 May 2006

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