Roadshow Branding Advertising That Not Just Communicates But Connects

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While today there are a multitude of mediums like Television, Radio, Newspaper, Digital etc. available at the hands of advertisers that can help them convey their message to their target audience, there is one that stands out amongst all these and goes a step beyond simply delivering a message to the viewers by actually making an attempt to connect with them at a more personal level, known as Roadshow Branding. Roadshow or Mobile Van Branding is a transit advertising medium that makes uses of specially designed vans that travel through different parts of the cities advertising for the brands. But unlike the regular advertising mediums, these aren't simply mediums having the brand's message on them, but in fact they can be considered as detailed and carefully planned events that viewers not only see from a distance but also experience it by becoming a part of it.
Here are a few reasons why Roadshow Branding can be the perfect way to reach out your target audience-
Better Connect with Audience- With the ever increasing cut throat competition in the market, there is only one way to establish and maintain brand loyalty amongst your customer base and that is to connect with them. One of the most important advantages of Roadshow Branding is that it helps in developing a direct one to one relation with the audience. While most other advertising mediums simply spreading a message among the audience, Roadshow Branding goes one step ahead and involves a two-way communication process through interaction.
Likable- Likability of any ad format has also become an important criterion in determining the impact of the campaign. The more likable a format is, the more would it add to the company's brand value. Besides, this it also improves the retention rate. Because of the unique experience that it gives to the audience, Roadshows can be extremely likable amongst the audience thus making them even more memorable and interactive.
Flexibility and Control- A very important factor that impacts the overall effectiveness of an ad campaign is the amount of flexibility and control that the advertisers enjoy. With most of the other transit mediums like Trains and Buses, advertisers only have partial control on the medium since these are primarily meant for the commutation purpose and not advertising, they cannot entirely act upon the advertiser's wants. But Roadshows are one such medium that are extremely flexible as the decision regarding the location and timings remains in the hands of advertiser. The advertiser has full control over the medium thus, helping them target better.
Perfect for Product Launch- Selecting the appropriate advertising medium at the time of product launch is a dilemma that most brands experience. New Products require a more comprehensive format that allows the public to get familiar with the product as well as the brand but this is something that most mediums have been unable to deliver. Roadshows are one of the best ways of raising product awareness and knowledge in the market and thus have been extremely beneficial for promotion of newer products. Roadshows allow the advertisers to explain the offering in a more detailed manner which may not be possible through other mediums.
Mobility- Mobility is a very advantage in roadshow branding. Since it makes use of mobile vans, it can cover a relatively large geographical area as compared to the static outdoor mediums. This feature allows them to interact with a larger audience in different parts of the city thus, giving brands a better reach.
How Excellent Publicity can be helpful for an effective Road Show Campaign?
Excellent Publicity is an emerging and fastest growing advertising agency started by one of the youngest chartered accountants and an MBA with a top B firm in 2012 headquartered Ahmedabad with branch setups in Mumbai, Pune & Rajkot. Excellent Publicity is the one stop solution to provide best services to have remarkable media campaigns all over the nation. They have as many years of experience in media buying, planning and execution and can provide high quality services with comparatively lower rates. Team Excellent has served thousands of clients and helped them in promoting their brands and reach the target audience successfully.
Posted 29 Oct 2023

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