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Child glitz pageants have been the center of much controversy. Many people think that these young girls are much too young to be
put in this type of pageant. These pageants require these girls to dress up like
grown women. These pageants require the girls to wear flippers Chase Daniel Saints Jersey , makeup, hair pieces, fake eyelashes, and fake tans.

The glitz pageant requires beauty wear and theme wear as well as swimwear. The pageant coordinators will tell the mothers just what theme they
are going to be using and the moms get to choose the theme wear for that
pageant. During the swim wear category these little girls wear skin tight
bathing suits and they are only four, five and maybe six years old.

The beauty wear part of the pageant requires the girls to wear a very formal dress.
A lot of the moms choose a cupcake dress for their younger daughters. The
cupcake dresses cost a couple thousand dollars each. There are even some parents
that have their little girls dresses made by hand by a professional that charges
twice as much as a store bought dress. The pageants are not cheap to register
cost anywhere from a hundred to four hundred dollars.

These mothers even hire hair and makeup specialist which can become quite expensive. You also have
to bring in a picture for the judges to judge for most photogenic. Most mothers
have professional head shots taken of their daughters and that to can become
expensive. Some mothers have been known to spend over ten thousand dollars
putting their daughters in these pageants.

The beauty part of the pageant is when the judges judge on facial beauty and that certain wow factor.
Personality and poise are also another big area that they are judged on. This
means they are judged on how they walk and carry themselves. They are also being
judged on whether they keep eye contact with the judges and how much and how big
they smile plus how much confidence they display on stage.

The girls are also judged on overall appearance. This just means that the judges are judging
them on how much they like the style, color, and fit of the dress they are
wearing. They are also judged on how nice and neat the children's hair is. The
judges are looking at the overall picture in this area.

Most of these girls have private pageant coaches that teach them to walk correctly and do
their routine without messing up. Most of the girls spend hours each day
practicing with their coach. The parents also have to come up with the money for
travel because these pageants are held all over the country. The parents are
responsible for gas A.J. Klein Saints Jersey , food, and lodging.

Some parents would prefer to have their little girls in the natural beauty pageants but there are
also other moms that prefer their child be in the child glitz pageants. The
glitz pageant moms can become very mean and nasty if their child doesn't get the
crown. A pageant should be fun for the parents and the child.

To view our schedule of <"http:southernelitepageants">glitz pageant shows, simply refer to our online page. For registration, click on this link
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Posted 18 Oct 2017

valandrian says
Posted 27 Apr 2018

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