I dream to cook delicious desserts and pastries

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Age: 2023
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I didn’t have to do the cooking and cooking before. I lived alone. At first I studied, then I made a career. A few years ago I got married. My son was born. And now my career is my home and my family. As it turned out for me, it is wonderful to be a wife and a mother. I am exploring new horizons for myself. It may seem strange to someone, but I learned to cook even soups online. Now I have a dream to learn how to make desserts. I want to open my bakery. I am looking for quality courses for confectioners, so that we could learn the basics of a culinary specialist for beginners.
Posted 29 Mar 2019

Jessika says

Sweets are very tasty) But not very useful for the figure)) I love sweets but prefer healthy sweets. I think now there are a lot of pastry shops and bakeries to achieve major success in this area. You will have to work hard.
Posted 31 Mar 2019

mikinik says
Now there are such desserts that the figure is not terrible. Well, of course if you don’t eat them too much. Many cooks and pastry chefs come up with a new trend about ingredients. Pay attention to the quality component of the dish. Apply natural ingredients without a lot of sugar and artificial ingredients.
Posted 31 Mar 2019

reekin says
mikinik for you online training as I understand it can be understandable. If you already have experience learning to cook online you can watch courses on online cooking training. This should not be a blogger. My recommendation is to look for courses from a certified chef. So you can learn new techniques for cooking culinary dishes.
Posted 01 Apr 2019

lata says
The fact that you want to open your confectionery business - it's certainly very good. But will it be profitable? If you live in a small town, then there is clearly already this niche is occupied. There are pastry shops in which confectionery products lie for years, as the prices are high and cheaper to do at home. Well, however. I for example, studied the pastry case here https://coupdecoeuronline.com/en/courses/courses . What's interesting? Here train directly through the Internet. Confectionery art courses online.
Posted 01 Apr 2019

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