Vaping is an urgent threat to public health

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Youth are using vape wholesale supply (also known as vaping devices) at a rapidly increasing rate — a practice that constitutes an urgent threat to public health.

Preliminary survey data suggests that, for the first time in 30 years, the youth smoking rate has increased in Canada, with e-cigarettes
being the suspected cause. Recent data from the Centers for Disease
Control in the United States also found that 1.5 million more youth used
e-cigarettes in 2018 than in 2017.

If unchecked by strict regulations, the next generation of youth is likely to be the most nicotine-dependent and the heaviest smoking in
recent history, wiping out decades of efforts to protect them.

As researchers in tobacco control and pediatric bioethics, we seek to protect children and youth from lifelong nicotine dependency,
initiation of cigarette use and the damage to lungs associated with
e-cigarette use.

The most effective protection for children is evidence-based policy that addresses the reasons they start vaping. Advertising has been shown
to promote a positive brand image for vaping devices and to spur youth
to try them, while social media marketing has been linked to explosive
growth in sales. Therefore, governments globally should promptly ban all
e-cigarette advertising.

Governments should also mandate plain packaging for vaping devices, ban their use wherever tobacco use is banned and strictly limit the
accessibility of sales to youth — placing e-cigarettes behind the
pharmacy counter.

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Posted 28 Jun 2019

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Posted 17 Dec 2019

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