Do you rent a car while traveling?

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Is it better to rent a car or drive your own on vacation?

Posted 13 Aug 2019

Lacana says
Usually, I rent a car every trip, for me, it's much more comfortable and I can go everywhere I want. Also, it's easier to discover new places by car. Besides, there are a lot of car rental services, it's not difficult to find good service. Don't forget to check reviews before choosing a service. Here is a list of such sites, check it out
Posted 13 Aug 2019

rossbear says
If I travel outside the USA, then I will definitely rent a car. And I also rent special equipment for hiking and traveling. But the best edc multitool is always with me.
Posted 18 Aug 2019

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Posted 14 Sep 2019

erikhimmel says
It depends! renting a car or driving own varies on the type of travel. As a hunter, I like to drive my own when I head out to nearby places. But when I pack my hunting day backpack for crossborder spots, I rent cars.
Posted 12 Nov 2020

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