5 important things after cesarean section That your mother must know and understand

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For any mother who is scheduled to have a cesarean section soon There must be things Giving a lot of worry Especially after caesarean section About how to take care of yourself and what things you need to know Today we bring you 5 things that mothers should know after a cesarean section. What will be there? Let's go and see.

1.Pose that is suitable for mothers after cesarean section
The postpartum position is another matter that makes mothers worry a lot. It is recommended that mom sleep on her side is the best. Because it will reduce the pain of the wound And should bring several pillows Leaves to support the head higher. To prevent the wound on the abdomen is too tight

2. Foods that should be eaten the most
After the mother has had a cesarean section, she should eat five food groups. In which the mother's diet may focus on is Protein foods, such as meat, fish, that will help in the body repair and help restore health faster. You should also drink plenty of water, especially warm water.

3. Foods that mothers should not eat.
After giving birth, mothers should not eat raw foods such as Laab Dib, Naem raw, or even papaya salad, which may be a favorite food of many mothers, including alcoholic beverages as well. Because during this time, your mother's body is weak. It makes it easy to get infected by eating these foods. And may adversely affect babies who drink breast milk as well

4. After childbirth, can you drink cold water?
In fact, according to medical principles, there are no contraindications for mothers to drink cold water. But when compared between cold water and warm water Warm water has more advantages Because it will make your mother's body recover faster Stimulates milk And alleviates the cold after childbirth as well They should drink more than 8 glasses of water a day to meet the body's needs.
5. Is it necessary to stay on fire or not?
Either in a natural delivery or a caesarean delivery. Should stay on fire after giving birth at all But in the case of caesarean section Should wait for the wound to heal first, or about 45 days or more before it begins to stay on fire. Because the fire is too fast can affect the incision wound. Which will cause the wound to break or have a high chance of infection

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Posted 20 Apr 2021

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