5 ways to lose weight and lose weight for seniors

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when getting older or entering old age The body will begin to burn excess fat more slowly. causing rapid weight gain and more difficult to lose weight If you let the weight increase steadily It can cause various diseases to follow.
Common ways to lose weight like teenagers do. like eating clean food go to the gym every day hire a personal trainer play hard sports It may not be applicable to the elderly, but the following 5 methods are here. To make the elderly lose weight to keep away from disease.

Avoid flour and sweets.
weight loss in the elderly You should limit your daily carbohydrate intake from the type of food you choose to eat. especially flour and sweets Just as you can control fewer calories. This includes keeping your body warm and regulating your breathing.

It is not necessary to leave the “empty stomach”.
It is more important to reduce the calorie intake of food than to empty your stomach. because of skipping one meal Your stomach will be empty for too long before another meal.
For those who have been dieting or eating only one meal a day until they are stable, they can continue to do so. But it's not a good thing for everyone. Because it may cause the body to be burdened too heavy to feel stressed.
“Cholesterol levels” slightly high, good for health.
From the health information that Bad cholesterol is a common cause of hypercholesterolemia. and is the cause of many diseases Plus thinking that all meats include seafood. It is a source of bad cholesterol that destroys health and refuses to eat meat. But that's what makes my health worse.
In fact, cholesterol is both good and bad. And having cholesterol levels above the standard helps to be healthy under the condition that Must have higher levels of good cholesterol than bad cholesterol. To serve to bring excess cholesterol out of the body.
So don't worry about whether it's good to eat meat or not. But should pay attention to choosing to eat meat with good fats, the more the better.
Eat meat 2-3 times a week.
When I get older, I will eat meat every day. Heavy buffets like when I was young and young would not be able to. but can't eat at all Because the body needs nutrients from meat to repair the wear and tear. including helping cells to function normally and not deteriorate
The recommended amount is 2-3 times a week. Because eating too much meat up to four times a week can have negative consequences. and may get too much energy until it becomes fat It also causes abnormal intestinal function and impaired immunity.
exercise with aerobics
Exercises suitable for seniors is aerobic exercise which requires a large amount of oxygen To make the mitochondria burn into energy for the muscles. As a result, the system of the body is complete. and secrete sex hormones that are used to build better muscles
Precautions for exercise in the elderly are: You should not exercise so hard that you feel exhausted. or being tiredovernight

Source:: joker

Posted 15 Jul 2021

You can also try doing indoor exercise with a limited spaces it means movements can also be cute or small which are typically untiring rather than the other types of exercises. Indoor fitness activities that are effective.
Posted 17 Jul 2021

SamLaur says
Yeah, thoses are some good way to loose weight.I personnaly work at Excavation & Terrassement St-Jerome and it keep my senior shape well cut!
Posted 11 Aug 2021

Lerot says
I think you should eat healthy and exercise more. I recommend that you talk to your doc about it. Maybe you wil like some Doctor Prescribed Weight Loss Medication for this purpose, but you should be very careful with it. Good luck!
Posted 02 Sep 2022

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