CraigslistSearch - Search all of craigslist USA for job leads filter_list

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Age: 2023
Total Posts: 0
Points: 10


So, I find quite a bit of my business by browsing through CraigsList, which is very time consuming.

A while ago, I decided I'm tired of doing the work, so I'd just write a
program to do it for me, and just send me an email. I just have a task
scheduled every day at noon to run this program, and I can go ahead and
send out emails to the ones that look interesting.

You can grab a copy of the source code here.

Of course, while I am releasing the code, I'm not releasing my keyword
and spam filter files, you'll need to figure those out for yourself.
Hopefully this helps someone, I know that manually browsing through the
spam on craigslist to find good leads sucks. It should be noted that
this program ONLY looks at posts from the same day, so run every day for
best results.

Posted 28 Mar 2022

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