Taking care of an aquarium

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Taking care of an aquarium
Share please advise how you care for your aquarium, I just decided to buy a fish tank, but I can not yet determine which one
Posted 04 Apr 2022

Nandroid says
Of course, like any endeavor, owning an aquarium comes with a certain amount of responsibility. While fish certainly don't need as much constant care and attention as, say, a dog, maintaining their living space requires considerable attention and effort. You will need to factor in the initial setup costs, including gravel, lighting, plants and, of course, the fish themselves. It is now possible to buy Saltwater vs Freshwater Aquariums, the difference will be that you need to buy different types of fish for different types of aquariums.
Posted 04 Apr 2022

lev says
Yesthe difference between saltwater and freshwater aquariums is the variety of
fish they can support. The sheer size of the ocean makes it possible to support
a huge variety of sea creatures of different shapes, sizes and colors. For this
reason, if you want to buy beautiful and diverse fish, then you need to choose
a saltwater aquarium
Posted 04 Apr 2022

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Posted 05 Apr 2022

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