don’t u think anti-Pakistan is wining

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
hi there very close to my heart Pakis .
      friends wat u people think is happening in our lovely Pakistan. v r running after money there isn't any type of development in terms of it n technology in PK as cmpared to our neighbour n worst of all this earth quake it has taken PK a lot many years back.
     wat is happening in Balochistan. oh ALLAH brothers r killing there own brothers.
        u all know PK was doing it for america but know wat has tat america given to PK nothin.


              May Allah take care of our country.(ameen)

                Pray bros n sists pray to allah.

      n do visit so tat u can see more clearly.
Posted 11 Mar 2006

theres no democracy
public is getting no relief..
tamatar 100 rupay kilo
can u imagine..

Posted 11 Mar 2006

I'm sot sure who's winning. I'm sure Pak is loosing.

you know what?
In pak we want democracy, law, accountability, Islam and morals for others. We don't want anything but to satisfy ourselves. That is the winner so far.
Posted 28 Mar 2006

and job opportunities too
Posted 28 Mar 2006

nikama says
i certainly dont think pakistan is loosing,we r struggling since a long time and the situation is still not very rosy for us no doubt but a lot of positive things r also begin with,although im no fan of musharaf,but i must say his gov.has stabilized our macro economy to a great extent.pakistan absorbed the major setback in shape of this quake just because our economy was far more stable then what it was 6 years ago.secondly,again i personally am strongly against dancing on the tunes of j.w.bush,but this has helped pakistan in short term to improve its relations with the rest of the at least our voice get heard,we r free of economic sanctions for the present situation in waziristan and balochistan,undoubtedly tackling the situation very very badly.but the good thing is the growing anxiety among the masses over what is happening media has helped ppl a lot in thinking more objectively over national isuues,and free media is again something for which we must give credit to musharaf.and above all,now despite the due respect ppl have for army as an institution,they r really craving for democracy in its true form.and i'm very very hopefull that by the grace of ALMIGHTY we shall come out of these crisises successfully and we will be as twice as stronger as a nation as we r now.last but not the least,NEVER LOSE HOPE IN YOURSELF,YOUR COUNTRY AND ALMIGHTY ALLAH.WHATEVER HE DOES,HE DOES IT RIGHT.we the human beings can not see as far as HE things that for the moment dont seem good might turn out as really a blessing in disguise after some time.LETS WAIT,LETS SEE,LETS HOPE and LETS PRAY
Posted 28 Mar 2006

we surely lost one half of it
Posted 29 Mar 2006

nikama says
yup,but that was long time ago and i think L.B was talking about the present scenario
Posted 29 Mar 2006

yeh u r very right i m

            n u people r right 2 in ur opinions

                  but dear pakis if these things goes on like this then oh allah

let's hope for the best


Posted 02 Apr 2006

nikama says
so do we all
Posted 03 Apr 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 20 Sep 2018

Posted 29 Oct 2018

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