don’t u think anti-Pakistan is wining

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 86
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
hi there very close to my heart Pakis .
      friends wat u people think is happening in our lovely Pakistan. v r running after money there isn't any type of development in terms of it n technology in PK as cmpared to our neighbour n worst of all this earth quake it has taken PK a lot many years back.
     wat is happening in Balochistan. oh ALLAH brothers r killing there own brothers.
        u all know PK was doing it for america but know wat has tat america given to PK nothin.


              May Allah take care of our country.(ameen)

                Pray bros n sists pray to allah.

      n do visit so tat u can see more clearly.
Posted 11 Mar 2006

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