What do you you think, Suffering

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What do you think about the this statment

I think life is a great void, a hollow and our entire journey on this planet is an exercise of filling this void and giving it various shapes and dimensions. But I many times wonder that if all we want from our lives is joy and happiness why there is so much sorrow and sufferings in the world. Why so many lives are nothing but the tales of woes and so much our time is spent in dealing with our grief, distress and miseries. Are our sorrows and sufferings created by God or the nature (the very nature of our existence) as suggested by some religions? I think not. I think most of our sorrows and sufferings are created and treasured by us only. And why? Why we not only keep creating and manufacturing sorrows and sufferings for us but also keep cementing a strong bond with them when all we want from life is joy and happiness? I reach to the same conclusion, to fill this great void which life is.

The thing is that we find more depth in our sorrows and sufferings than in our joys and happiness. We find more strength in the emotions of angst, hatred and jealousy than in the emotions of content, love and compassion. We find it easier to form bonds with the memories of our distress and miseries than the memories of our joys and pleasures. We share our joys with others but not as much our sorrows. We keep our sorrows with us and form a bond with them in our solitude. Not only the sorrows of our present but also the sorrows from the memories of our past. And all these sorrows and sufferings treasured in our memories just don’t remain confined in our mind but also start percolating into our body and manifest them in the form of various diseases. And then starts a vicious cycle of sufferings cultivating sufferings and eventually sufferings become our inseparable buddies. There’s a popular hindi song, ‘Sukh to ek chanv jaisi aati hai jaati hai, dukh to apna saathi hai’ (Happiness comes and goes like a shadow but sorrow is our inseparable mate). Unfortunately this has become the philosophy of human existence.
Posted 24 Jun 2006

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