The Liner Of The Mini Cement Plant

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Age: 2023
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The material of the liner of the mini cement plant is unreasonable. The material of the liner of the mini cement plant and its heat treatment process are the keys to determine the mechanical properties of the liner.

If the material of the liner is not properly selected, its fatigue strength and life will be greatly reduced, and it will not only fail to meet the requirements of the mini cement plant. And even plastic deformation or bulging may occur. Corresponding method: Choose a new type of wear-resistant lining material.

Currently, the commonly used mini cement plant lining materials include high manganese steel, high chromium steel, alloy steel and wear-resistant rubber. Among them, wear-resistant rubber is a newly emerging lining material in the past 10 years. A composite lining can be formed by using wear-resistant rubber and alloy steel, which not only improves the toughness of the lining, but also solves the contradiction between its toughness and stiffness.

Posted 25 Jul 2022

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