ight have ext

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by Alessandra Cardone

ROME http://www.detroitredwingsteamstore.com/adidas-jonathan-ericsson-jersey , Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- The search for survivors of the Italian-flagged Norman
Atlantic ferry continued in the Adriatic on Tuesday, as confusion over the
number of missing people prevailed.

A total of 427 people were rescued in the operation, and the official number of the victims of the blaze was put to 10 by Italian authorities.

Italy's navy confirmed an air search of the waters in the area of the incident would continue, and the two major military vessels involved, San
Giorgio and Durand de la Penne, would sail back to the southern port of Brindisi
only when the mission has been completed.

The San Giorgio ship was carrying at least 180 rescued people. Some 39 others were also due to arrive at the port of Manfredonia in the region of Puglia on
Tuesday morning, but their return was delayed by very bad sea conditions,
Italy's coast guard said.

One man fell in the icy waters and died while trying to escape the burning ship, and nine bodies were recovered by rescuers during the 36-hour-long

Two lorry drivers from Naples would be among the victims, and their bodies were recognized by relatives, according to local media.

However, Italian Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi warned Italy's government had no certainty over the real number of missing people, since significant
discrepancies had been found in the ferry's manifest.

"We cannot say how many people may be missing," Lupi said at the end of the rescue operation.

The Norman Atlantic's manifest contained 478 between passengers and crew. Considering those who were saved, some 41 people might still be unaccounted for.

Yet, at least 80 of those rescued were not included in the manifest, according to Italian coast guard admiral Giovanni Pettorino.

Both Italian and Greek authorities were now trying to verify the correspondence of the lists to figure out how many people had really been on
board and who they were.

The ferry had also made a stopover at the Greek port of Igoumenitsa during its journey, and some passengers might have got off before the fire broke out,
Italian officials suggested.

The Italian-flagged Norman Atlantic ferry, chartered by Greek shipping firm ANEK Lines, was sailing from western Greece to Italy when a fire started in one
of the garages on early Sunday morning.

Italy, Greece, and Albania joined their efforts in order to evacuate all passengers, with Italy taking the lead of the rescue operation and dispatching
military helicopters and vessels in the area.

The mission was hampered by rough seas and gale-force winds and passengers described a dramatic scene of people being trapped on the upper deck of the
ferry, waiting to be saved, with fire burning and black smoke rising from below,
and cold rain soaking them from above.

Several rescued people were hospitalized and treated for hypothermia in southern Italy, but none was reported in life threatening conditions despite the

A deadly incident also occurred on Tuesday morning during the operation to tug the Norman Atlantic to the port of Vlora in Albania. Two Albanian sailors of
the tugboat died while trying to attach the ferry, after being reportedly hit by
a rope.

Meanwhile, the circumstances of the blaze on board of the ferry were still unclear and Italian prosecutors opened three separate probes to establish the
cause of the fire.

The captain of the ship, Argilio Giacomazzi, and Italian owner Carlo Visentini were investigated for the crimes of shipwreck, multiple manslaughter
and negligent injury.

Word directly to the point, colon cleansing is not required for the body to keep clean. Why should we be using any colon cleansing products or any herbs
that cleans colons? Do you people have actually any idea about this? No? You do
not even know what would happen if we do not cleanse our colons ourselves? For
what do you cleanse your colons?

It is pointed out that colons, for the reason that last section of the digestive system, contains almost to a hundred
percent of unnecessary material, as accordingly it is removed from the body in
just a while later, as shit. And the delay is actually caused to drain the water
in it. Not drain anything useful for the entire body along. So, some people
claim that colons do fail to remove all of the excrements it contains in advance
of its removal. This is why they point out that manual cleansing of the colons
should be done regularly. Otherwise, as the colons narrow down, it will become
harder to excrete and even that if some particular excrement left in the colons
for some time, it s going to bring about infections. These infections can both
be obvious or not, like for example it can make a person nervous or strained way
easier, or maybe unnecessarily excitable and such. The obvious infections it
might cause is that people might have extremely hard time when excreting, or
that malicious bacteria might start living in the colons, resulting possibly in
cancer or any sorts of diseases and much more.

However, does this not look stupid? Well, think of it, if there were to happen this much of excrete
pillage over such short periods, people could actually have their whole colon
way blocked. This might, most probably resulting in quick and sudden deaths. The
body itself is made that way to remove all the excrements that are in the
colons. And these excrements are not all unnecessary anyway! There are some
bacteria living in our colons which actually synthesise their own life energy
from our excrement, and we are supplied with their own excrements, which are
beneficial for us. This, forms cooperative living style which is quite good for
all living creatures. So if there were any excrement left in our colons, that
would feed our beneficial bacteria, and they would feed us. Even such thing is
impossible; it might still not be a problem if it were so.

Furthermore, wh.

Posted 20 Jul 2018

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