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Rocker and traditional Chinese drum teacher Li Fan (Left) talks with a student from Yanshan Yangeryu Primary School on April 1. Photo: Li
During the day Authentic Michael Grabner Jersey , Li Fan works part-time teaching the traditional Chinese drum at different primary schools. At night, however, he is
a rocker smashing crazily on drums at flashy live performance houses.

In the cafeteria of a primary school in a Beijing suburb, dozens of his students can be found practicing on the Chinese drum and looking at their young
teacher with eyes filled with eagerness and admiration. Even though the students
are drumming out the song "Chinese Dragon," the beat feels particularly like "We
Will Rock You."

They probably would never believe that their teacher is actually a wild rocker.

Li is the drummer for the Bedstars Authentic Kevin Shattenkirk Jersey , a rock band that has been playing at several major live houses near Beijing's city center. His skill with the drum,
decadent lifestyle and tendency to swear from time to time hint at this
rocker-life. But unlike other rock musicians, he doesn't dye his hair, have an
exaggerated hairdo or reveal any of the tattoos on his body.

"How could I teach kids if I did that?" he told the Global Times. Heading into schools he makes sure to dress simply in Converse sneakers and carry a
small backpack, almost like he is an ordinary high school student.

Broadening horizons

While Li lives in the eastern side of Beijing Authentic Chris Kreider Jersey , one of the schools where Li teaches, Yanshan Yangeryu Primary School, is located in a far southwestern suburb of the city. To
teach this one hour class, Li has to make a five-hour long round trip commute,
changing subways and taking two buses.

On the way to the school Authentic Marc Staal Jersey , the view changes from tall office buildings and apartments to the mountains, factories and chimneys of the city suburbs.

Teachers for classes such as these change frequently at these schools due to the long commute or low pay.

Closing the curtains and putting on his earphones on the bus, Li finds the bothersome commute quite enjoyable.

"It feels so good, both on the way and after the class," Li said.

In January 2014 Authentic Kevin Hayes Jersey , the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education implemented policy that requires schools in Beijing to arrange extracurricular
activities from 15:30 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday, no less than three days a
week and no less than one hour for each activity. The commission's goal is for
primary and middle school students to gradually master at least two sports as
well as cultivate their interests in the arts and science.

This requirement didn't just come out of nowhere as study pressure has long been an issue for children in China.

Research conducted by teachers and students from Huzhou University in 2013 in Shanghai, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province showed that completing homework
and studying are the major extracurricular activities among primary and middle
school students.

In addition to studying another issue that exists is that 81 percent of students listed the Internet as their other major form of extracurricular

With the implementation of this new policy, schools have begun hiring teachers with specialties in sports, art and science to hold education and
entertaining classes for students.

Introduced through a friend Authentic J.T. Miller Jersey , Li became one of these teachers.

According to Li, the school offers extracurricular activities such as drawing and Chinese calligraphy in addition to his class.

"Imparting knowledge and educating kids, I feel a sense of accomplishment when they begin to play," Li said.

Due to its location in a fairly remote area, most of the students at Yanshan Yangeryu Primary School are from middle or lower class families. The school also
has programs for children with learning disabilities.

When it's time for class it's easy to see the kids' passion for this class. Voluntarily carrying all the materials they need to use in class all by
themselves Pavel Buchnevich Jersey , they get so excited to at seeing their teacher that some even jump up to hug Li when he enters the room.

Another teacher at the school Meng Zhuo explained that the school chose Chinese drums for a class because "we hope kids can learn more about traditional
Chinese culture" and how to cooperate with others as a group.

Night and day

"In class, I'm pretty serious and responsible. At night, I swear, smoke and drink," Li said laughing.

The kids bring some peace to Li's life as well. Although he initially went searching for part-time jobs to earn more money since his rock'n'roll gig didn't
provide a fixed source of income Brady Skjei Jersey , the pure innocent eyes of his students completely changed things for him.

"I feel I've become two completely different persons. It's a huge contrast," Li said.

This is easy to see. When night falls he can be found holding a bottle of beer and smoking a cigarette as he wanders around a live house, or twirling drum
sticks in his hands as he goes crazy with his band.

Falling in love with rock'n'roll at the age of 15, Li came to Beijing from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region as a "north drifter," or
beipiao Rick Nash Jersey , at age 18 to fulfill his rock'n'roll dream.

Having lived in Beijing for 10 years, he played with different bands before finally settling down with the other three members of the Bedstars. So far he's
enjoyed their time together, even though, according to him, many people describe
them as "hopeless" because they "get drunk whenever they have a performance."

However he admitted that he doesn't much like the environment David Desharnais Jersey , traffic or anything in this big metropolis except its music. "If it weren't for our band and music, I definitely wouldn't
stay in Beijing. Even if you beat me to death to keep me from leaving!"

Music has certainly become the most important thing in his life, both during the day and at night. He revealed that before he began working The y. Cheap Jerseys China   Cheap NFL Jerseys   Cheap Jerseys China Free Shipping   Cheap Authentic Jerseys   Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping   Wholesale Hoddies   Wholesale Hoddies   Wholesale T-shirts Free Shipping   Cheap T-shirts Wholesale   Cheap Hats Free Shipping 

Posted 01 Aug 2018

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