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Rain Man

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United States, United States
A little taste of “Mosh”
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    * Eminem

— Isabelle @ 4:51 pm

I recently managed to capture some lyrics from Eminem’s new song « Mosh » on Shadysoldiers.com.
Of course, those are just partial lyrics. But they clearly reveal Eminem’s anger and disgust about Bush’s policy.
Some people who pretend to be patriotic are sometimes shocked and describe Eminem as anti-American.
Some comment left on an Eminem board by a US marine who pretended to be an Eminem fan really angered me:

« Everyone pay close attention to what I’m about to say.
I want to start off by saying that I’ve been a fan of Eminems ever since he’s started his rap career, and I’ve listened to him up to now, and I’ll keep listening to him in the future. This situation with him making comments and disses towards President Bush have most definately become out of hand, and are in fact getting childish. Eminem is acting more immature than he ever has in his whole career. Everyone gets the point that he has no respect for the President, and it is clear that Eminem has become a disgrace as an American.

I’m a U.S. Marine, so I know what I’m talking about here people. I’m not saying everybody has been doing this, but I’m seen a lot of messages and posts lately saying “Vote for Kerry, because Eminem says so.” That’s the worse thing anyone could do. Also, about this song Mosh and it’s lyrics, Eminem is not helping the country by saying those things. He’s not in this war to get money, he’s doing it to protect our country from terrorists. I’ve been to IRAQ, and I’m proud to serve my country, and die for it. Eminem has no place to say anything for the U.S. Armed Forces, because he’s a Rapper, not a Soldier. Don’t believe the media, they’re only interviewing the dark side of that country. When I arrived there many of the Iraqi’s were so happy to see us, because they want their freedom from the terrorists. The terrorists are the ones that hate us, and if we don’t stop them, then they’ll keep on attacking our country, just like 911. That’s the reason why we’re in this war, because we’re protecting our country and this citizens within it. My father was also in the Marine Corp, and he was the first one ready to go into battle.

President Bush is a good man. He’s trying to do good things by protecting our country from terrorists. He’s not trying to get money, or trying to get people killed. He’s doing what is best for the country, and the American people. I’ve seen him in speak, with all my fellow Marines, along with many other families, and civilians. The military supports President Bush, and we are glad to have him as a President. The years that Clinton was in office didn’t help, because all the terrorists attacks that happened during his time, such as the attack on the U.S.S. Cole in October of 2000, they just built up. The Clinton Administration avoided confrontations with these attacks. There were soldiers killed on the U.S.S. Cole. How do you think their family members felt. I bet you they weren’t too happy about Clinton not doing a thing. The point is President Bush is doing what’s good for the American people, by protecting them from Terrorists. Kerry is not going to protect them. This election is more of a popularity contest to Kerry, as many people have said. Kerry is a person that would not get the job done, plus he doesn’t fund the military, so that’s not helping, as far as keeping terrorists out of the country.

Everyone needs to realize that this war has to be fought, otherwise terrorists are just going to keep coming into our country and making these terrible bombings. Bush is the person that will protect this country from terrorists. He’s not trying to get people killed. The U.S. military is commanded by President Bush. That’s why he is called the Commander and Chief. Personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces fight for their country, their freedom, and their family. I’m proud to be a part of the U.S. Armed Forces, and I’m proud to serve under President Bush. Do the right thing people. Vote for President Bush, he’s a good man, and he will do a better job than Kerry.

Once again, I’ve been a fan of Eminem for years, and I probably will be in years to come. There’s someone out their who needs to open everyone’s eyes. That’s what Eminem needs, his eyes to be opened. »

How can a man like him tell us that Eminem needs his eyes to be opened when himself is blinded with his ignorant patriotism? How can he dare questioning Eminem’s American citizenship because he is clearly opposed to Bush? Also, how does this man call him immature for having a different political view?
America needs courageous people like Marshall Mathers to show some opposition to President Bush. As far as I am concerned, Bush is the worst president America has ever had and who is ready to do anything possible to satisfy his hegemony will, no matter how many lives it will cost. Bush is not only a danger for America, he endangers the whole world with his stubborn attitude. A man who sends America’s children to a worthless Iraqi war with no concern for the so many civilian victims on both sides is not exactly what I would call a « good man ».
I guess some rightists will never admit that they are blinded with their conservative vision of the world.

Eminem is exactly the opposite of this US marine’s description. His lyrics to the brand-new song « Mosh » are here to open people’s consciences:

“Land of the free, Home of the brave
Bush makes it so the soldiers Home is a Grave
military life is emotions of grey
explosions smoke and rolling over boulders to stay
alive and they dive in the commotional way
parents cope with the pain, hope and they pray
its stupid to say
but its evident the president cares more about money then the youth of today”

Eminem wants you to understand that Bush is transforming America’s sons’ home into a huge cemetery. Young Americans sent to war live in a world of fear and constant explosions, death belongs to their daily landscape. Parents are also victims of such policy. What can replace a lost kid?
Marshall’s words are incisive and he goes straight to the goal: Bush’s interest for money is obvious, he doesn’t care about the youth.

Those things needed to be said. From the mouth of an American citizen.
A president acting like a dictator needs to be fought by courageous people. The whole hip hop movement is here to back Eminem against a government whose weaknesses are digging its own grave.
« Mosh » is a hot bomb that will be dropped on Bush’s government soon. Be ready for a great sensation. « Encore » promises to be explosive.
Posted 22 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
i know its long, but its worth a read...
Posted 22 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
[I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation under God
It feels so good to be back..]

Scrutinize every word, memorize every line
I spit it once, refuel, reenergize, and rewind
I give sight to the blind, mind sight through the mind
I ostracize my right to express when I feel it's time
It's just all in your mind, what you interpret it as
I say to fight you take it as I知 gonna whip someone's ass
If you don't understand don't even bother to ask
A father who has grown up with a fatherless past
Who has blown up now to rap phenomenon that has
Or at least shows no difficulty multi task
And juggling both, perhaps mastered his craft slash
Entrepreneur who has held long too few more rap acts
Who has had a few obstacles thrown his way through the last half
Of his career typical manure moving past that
Mister kiss his ass crack, he's a class act
Rubber band man, yea he just snaps back

Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
Come with me, and I won't stear you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

To the people up top, on the side and the middle,
Come together, let's all bomb and swamp just a little
Just let it gradually build, from the front to the back
All you can see is a sea of people, some white and some black
Don't matter what color, all that matters is we gathered together
To celebrate for the same cause, no matter the weather
If it rains let it rain, yea the wetter the better
They ain't gonna stop us, they can't, we're stronger now more then ever,
They tell us no we say yea, they tell us stop we say go,
Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell we gonna let em know
Stomp, push up, mush, f**k Bush, until they bring our troops home come on just . . .

Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
Come with me, and I won't stear you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors, come on

Imagine it pouring, it's raining down on us,
Mosh pits outside the oval office
Someone's trying to tell us something, maybe this is God just saying
we're responsible for this monster, this coward, that we have empowered
This is Bin Laden, look at his head nodding,
How could we allow something like this, Without pumping our fist
Now this is our, final hour
Let me be the voice, and your strength, and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme, just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify the times it, and multiply it by six
Teen million people are equal of this high pitch
Maybe we can reach Al Quaida through my speech
Let the President answer on high anarchy
Strap him with AK-47, let him go
Fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil
No more psychological warfare to trick us to think that we ain't loyal
If we don't serve our own country we're patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes, it's all lies, the stars and stripes
They've been swiped, washed out and wiped,
And Replaced with his own face, mosh now or die
If I get sniped tonight you'll know why, because I told you to fight

So come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
Come with me, and I won't stear you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

[Eminem speaking angrily]
And as we proceed, to mosh through this desert storm, in these closing statements, if they should argue, let us beg to differ, as we set aside our differences, and assemble our own army, to disarm this weapon of mass destruction that we call our president, for the present, and mosh for the future of our next generation, to speak and be heard, Mr. President, Mr. Senator

Posted 22 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
read the lyrics above to the song...n see wat hez sayin...

Emine is awesome, this guy raps to reality...
Posted 22 Oct 2004

Ashii says
yarrr,, kuch to khyal karo
roze mei itnnaaa lmaba parha,, aftaari k baad dekhein ge

but one thing,,
this guy s crazy,, intelligent but crazy
Posted 22 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
hez the best, this song is awesome, jus got it yesterday n i already heard it like 20 times
Posted 22 Oct 2004

LOL @ sall.

as 4 eminem....

he's a lyrical genius and he's done it again. he's tellin' it like it is....bush is a 'en retard.

yas brotha...where can i download this song from??

Posted 23 Oct 2004

'Strap him with AK-47, let him go
Fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil
No more psychological warfare to trick us to think that we ain't loyal
If we don't serve our own country we're patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes, it's all lies, the stars and stripes
They've been swiped, washed out and wiped,
And Replaced with his own face, mosh now or die
If I get sniped tonight you'll know why, because I told you to fight '

VA! stright from the hip........eminem's da man.
Posted 23 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
if u got msn, i'll give u the song thru or else if u know how to work with torrents, i'll give the address to the site...

bro this song is too good, every time i hear this song it makes me jus get up n kick bush's dum ass...cuz everything hez sayin in this song is so damn true...every word of it...
Posted 23 Oct 2004

4 real eh?!

i was watchin' entertainment 2night, and everyone's talkin abt this song. it hasn't even come out officially yet has it?! people r sayin' its gonna affect the voting....i hope it does.

i'll send u ma email thru PM. u can please send me the song thru that. thanks bro....
Posted 24 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
yea its not out yet, its suppose to come out on Nov 16 with the album, but its on his upcomin cd n cd leaks...lol...

u know they even took his video of Just loose it out BET cuz Mike Jackson got offended so he requested BET to pull off his video...but still MTV is playin the video all day long...
Posted 24 Oct 2004

lol. whats there 2 get offended abt?! so many people make fun of him every day.

i admit....he's a musical genius (mike jackson), but his actions are askin' 4 it!! lol.

Posted 24 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
yup his actions are for sure askin for it, but they shouldn't have pulled out the video...cuz thats like losin money...thats y i think MTV is doin smart thinkin by not pullin out the video since they know, they can make a fortune off eminem...
Posted 24 Oct 2004

4 sure. eminem has $$$ written all over him. his music image appeals to so many young people.

the song's awsome man. i heard it. its not like his usual catchy chorus songs, but this one hammers home the point....job well done em.
Posted 25 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
yea this one was more like White America, beat wise...
but sure is a classic...n it will hit Bush big time...
Posted 25 Oct 2004

Ashii says
seee,, me ne yehi kaha tha
nice lyrics

par pagal haii pagal haii pagallll haaaaiiii
Posted 29 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
sall tum nahin samjhogi...jao bahar jaake khelo
Posted 30 Oct 2004

so he woke up...later he will do the same with kerry
Posted 30 Oct 2004

Rain Man says
woke up?

the guy makes fun of every one, listen to his first album u'll hear him sayin stuff about clinton...

thats the best thing about Em, he just don't give a
Posted 30 Oct 2004

Posted 01 Nov 2004

Rain Man says
Posted 01 Nov 2004

YAS said:

if u got msn, i'll give u the song thru or else if u know how to work with torrents, i'll give the address to the site...

bro this song is too good, every time i hear this song it makes me jus get up n kick bush's dum ass...cuz everything hez sayin in this song is so damn true...every word of it...

mera msn nahi kaam kar raha 3 weeks sey
Posted 01 Nov 2004

Rain Man says
koi baat nahin, allah par bharosa rakho...
Posted 01 Nov 2004

bharosa tu hai...leken koi tu help kare
Posted 03 Nov 2004

Rain Man says
to abhi tak theek nahin hua
Posted 03 Nov 2004

Posted 04 Nov 2004

shaista says
msn kyon kaam naheen kar raha...

dobara msn ko download karo... new version 6.2

Posted 04 Nov 2004

Rain Man says
mera to kaam kar raha hai, ather ki kismat hee kharab hai yaar
Posted 05 Nov 2004

kismat kharab hai..shaista i told you
Posted 06 Nov 2004

Rain Man says
kuch logon ke saath aisa bhi hota hai
Posted 06 Nov 2004

Ashii says
kismat nahi computer kharab hai

abay ulllu,,, reinstalle it
kyaaaaaaaaaaa na roti shakall,,   ather hi rehan tum saari umer

im gonna watchhhhh
how is it ??
Posted 06 Nov 2004

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