Color Corrugated Steel Sheet Construction Precautions

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Age: 2023
Total Posts: 19
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?In addition to the need to pay attention to the stacking and transportation, the wholesale color corrugated steel sheet needs more attention during construction. The roof panel introduces some points that should be paid attention to during construction, for your reference:
1. During construction, the slope of the support at both ends of the roof should be flat and uniform. The cast-in-place beam under the slab should be leveled with cement mortar. The cast-in-place concrete beam should be graded with the slate concrete and leveled with cement mortar on the upper surface.
2. The aerated concrete roof panel adopts the hoisting method of stacking and lifting.
3. Metal sheets between the joints, such as steel sheets, should be rust-proofed, generally galvanized; nail penetration depth, the top of the metal sheet is not higher than the bottom of the groove.
4. Before grouting, the steel bars are placed in the slats. The steel bars are treated by rust removal, so as to avoid straightening. In order to avoid the steel bars from being exposed to the grooves, a small hook can be bent at both ends to be nailed into the slats.
Posted 15 Feb 2019

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