1st direct freight train service linking E China

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by Peter Mutai

NAIROBI Marvin Jones Jr Color Rush Jersey , Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- Climate change effects
are to blame for the increasing acute undernourishment of children in Kenya, the
United Nations said in a report released in Nairobi on Friday.

According to the UN, the failure of the March-June long rains, the third consecutive poor rains since early 2016 has contributed an additional 37,000
children across the country below the threshold of acute malnutrition.

"Climate-related issues have increased food insecurity in parts of northern Kenya where malnutrition rates have doubled in recent
months Golden Tate
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 ," the UN report says.

The report noted that the country's undernourishment affected 8.8 million people, accounting for 19.1 percent of the population.

It states that almost 370,000 children across the country now require treatment for acute malnutrition, including 72,600 who are suffering from the
most severe form and requires specialized life-saving care.

"In four out of 17 surveys conducted in June and July Darius Slay Jr
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 , acute malnutrition rates were at least double the
emergency threshold of 15 percent," the report said.

The failure of the March-June long rains, following two extremely poor rains in 2016, have led to widespread crop failure, acute water
shortages Matthew
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 , and declining production of milk in years,
which pastoral children rely on for protein.

The report further blames drought related migration, early child marriages and child labor to lack of food and water.

"Several schools have closed while others are overcrowded because of migrating children or children who come in search of school-feeding," it says.

Following the development in the country, the UN children's fund (UNICEF) has urged for efforts to help fund its drought response.

"We need to make nutritious food Ziggy Ansah Color
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 , safe water and basic health care far more accessible to
vulnerable children and families so that malnourished children can recover, and
so that those at risk do not fall sick," UNICEF's Representative in Kenya Werner
Schultink said.

Schultink revealed that the UN agency has reached 60 percent more children with life-saving assistance in the first half of 2017 compared to 2016, yet more
and more children are becoming malnourished.

UNICEF is repairing water points in the country to help avail water to additional nine million children who lack access to safe water.

According to the report, Turkana Central Ameer
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 , Turkana North and North Horr in Marsabit in
northwestern Kenya registered acute malnutrition rates between 30 and 37 per

Across the country, 1.6 million children are now food insecure, up from 1.2 million in February and 600,000 in August 2016.

Poor feeding practices, disease outbreaks and limited access to health services in the country are being exacerbated by a nationwide nurses'
strike Barry Sanders
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 , now in its third month.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017 was jointly prepared by UNICEF, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International
Fund for Agricultural Development, World Food Program and the World Health

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On Tuesday January 2, 2007 Pat Robertson of the CBN 700 Club warned that America may suffer an attack on one of its cities that could cost the lives of
millions. Many have scoffed at Robertson?s prediction noting that previous
predictions have not been true in every instance.

Evangelicals have already distanced themselves from Robertson in times past indicating that they
do not think he speaks for them. Others have labeled him everything from a kook
to a liar.

Those who decide on the truthfulness of a prophetic utterance and the prophet?s particular qualifications usually do so by means of tracking
the fulfillment of the prophecies and observing the lives of the prophets past
and present. Setting yourself up to be the judge of the prophets? carries with
it more responsibility than one might imagine.

The greatest of Gods servants were prone to errors throughout their lives. The Apostle Paul who may
be Gods single greatest witness in history was once a murderer of Christians.

Peter who denied Christ prior to his crucifixion and was later restored also had to be rebuked by the Apostle Paul some thirty years after, for refusing
to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

David who?s Psalms accurately predicted the first coming of Christ and to this day offer guidance to millions
of believers, started off as an adulterer and a murderer. Does this mean bad
guys make better prophets?

The sins and obvious human frailties of Gods servants don?t qualify them but it does qualify God?s grace. God is still using
earthen vessels to hold and dispense his divine message. It could be said that
apart from direct intervention that this is all he has got. It could also be
said that this is all he needs.

Holding the prophets lives under the microscope is a poor start to verify their qualifications. We will never like
what we see; we will always see ourselves. We will then have to move over to the
record. How accurate are the prophecies?

Those who criticize Pat Robertson and others are quick to point out that God had given instructions in
the Old Testament to stone those who proved to be false prophets. We can be
thankful that in the present covenant or agreement between God and man known as
the New Testament we are never called upon to
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Posted 20 Feb 2019

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