Donald Trump has several fan clubs on Chinese social

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" Chinese feminists are worried that the election of Donald Trump Frank White Youth Jersey , who they see as sexist, will set back the feminist movement in both the US and China. They say their opposition to him will spur
them on to greater action in future, although there is no consensus as to what
these actions will be.

[i]Chinese feminists hold placards with slogans aimed at Donald Trump in front of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC Photo: Courtesy of Cao

[i]When it was announced that Donald Trump had won the US presidential election, Li Maizi, a Chinese feminist, felt heartbroken.

[i]This was not only because of the failure of Hilary Clinton Kelvin Herrera Youth Jersey , whom she supported, but due to her deep concern that Trump could set back the feminist movement all over the world,
including in China.

[i]""Trump is a president who doesn't adhere to political correctness and has 'Straight Man Cancer,'"" she said. The term ""Straight Man Cancer,"" which was
coined by Chinese netizens in 2014, refers to misogyny and sexist double

[i]Several days later, she helped organize a seminar themed ""What's the road ahead for the Chinese feminism movement after Trump was elected?""

[i]Seminar attendees came from China and overseas Yordano Ventura Youth Jersey , including the US and Britain. ""We were still grieving and recovering. We tried to encourage each other to continue the
battle,"" she said.

[i]While the attendees failed to agree on specific practical steps Chinese feminists could take in response to Trump, Li has already started to feel that
the overall environment for feminism has deteriorated in China since Trump's

[i]""We're now under attack more than ever before on social media~ Many people abused us as 'feminist bitches' and said we have 'feminism cancer,'"" she said.

[i]Many Chinese feminists like Li have expressed concerns that due to the influence of the US, it's unavoidable that Chinese feminism will be affected.
Although some are quite pessimistic, others have found a new drive to fight in
this dark moment.

[i]Zheng Churan poses with her letter to Donald Trump near a post box in Guangdong Province. Photo: Courtesy of Zheng Churan

[i]Why stand up to Trump?

Li fought with people who celebrated Trump's win in a WeChat group, and later posted that she can no longer be friends with
Trump supporters.

[i]In her opinion Paulo Orlando Youth Jersey , whether you like Trump or not shows your fundamental values. ""Trump's win can be interpreted as victory for sexism,"" she said.

[i]Chinese male chauvinists are celebrating Trump's victory and this election is a boost for them, she claimed.

[i]According to Li, in Chinese society, where sexist attitudes are still common, feminist voices are not heard often enough. ""But now we'll suffer more abuse,
such as personal attacks Salvador Perez Youth Jersey ,"" she said.

[i]""Bitch,"" ""shameless,"" ""just go and die,"" and many other malicious comments have filled feminists' social media accounts since Trump's win.

[i]Donald Trump has several fan clubs on Chinese social media platforms in which thousands of his supporters praise him for being politically incorrect and
""speaking the truth.""

[i]Besides this, Li says the fact an alleged billionaire has become the president of the US has reinforced people's belief in the ""law of the jungle""
and power worship, which has a large following in China. ""These things are
components of the patriarchy, which feminists are against Mike Moustakas Youth Jersey ,"" said Li.

[i]His win has been shocking to some, and incomprehensible to others.[/i]

[i]Yan Xu, 28, is a student at the Communication University of China who pays close attention to feminist topics.

[i]Her initial interest in the US election was sparked by Hilary Clinton, who has long been hailed as a role model by China's feminists.

[i]Chinese feminists' fondness for Clinton dates back to 1995 when the then First Lady gave a speech on feminism in Beijing in which she stated that women's
rights are human rights.

[i]Later, when more reports about the election came out, Yan began to learn about the sexist comments Trump made on the campaign trail and before.

[i]""I don't understand why a man who belittles women can win. One key part of political correctness is to respect women Alex Gordon Youth Jersey , which is what feminists fight for. Trump broke this bottom line"" she said.

[i]Yan says that in a globalized era, Chinese people can't ignore what happens in the rest of the world. She is worried that if the environment in the US
deteriorates, things in China will become even worse, Yan added.

[i]A message

Zheng Churan, a 28-year-old feminist activist, sent a letter to Donald Trump after he won the election saying that ""Feminists are watching

[i]In her letter, Zheng tried to explain the phrase ""Straight Man Cancer"" to the new Commander in Chief. She warned him that it's dangerous to bring
""Straight Man Cancer"" into the White House.

[i]She also attached a form which lists the 20 most notorious behaviors of men who have ""Straight Man Cancer Alcides Escobar Youth Jersey ,"" which includes using double standards to judge men and women for the same actions and depreciating women's value in the

[i]Zheng says Trump suffers from those symptoms. ""I think he might have seen my letter, but he won't give me feedback, because I'm just nobody,"" she told the
Global Times. ""The most important thing is that the letter can get the public
to pay attention to Straight Man Cancer.""

[i]She also forwarded a message reading ""10,899 Chinese vote 10 Top 'Straight-man-cancer Behaviors.' HEY TRUMP, FEMINISTS ARE WATCHING YOU,"" to
Trump on Twitter. The president did not reply.

[i]Li praised Zheng's move. ""Feminism isn't a topic for just one country but a global thing. So it's meaningful for a Chinese feminist to send her warning to
the President of the United States Bo Jackson Youth Jersey ,"" she said.

[i]Unlike Zheng, who sent feminist messages to the president from China, Xiao Men (pseudonym), a law student now studying i . Air Max Sale   Air Max Sale   Wholesale Authentic Jerseys   Wholesale Shirts   Cheap NBA Shirts   Wholesale Shirts China   Cheap Shirts China   Cheap Shirts China   Cheap College Shirts   Cheap Soccer Hoddies 

Posted 02 Apr 2019

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