How to solve poor sound insulation of PPGI sheet

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Age: 2023
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?PPGI steel sheet not only has the mechanical strength of the steel material, the easy forming property, but also the good decorative and corrosion resistance of the coating material. Therefore, many people buy PPGI corrugated roofing sheet. However, the color steel plate movable room will have different degrees of sound insulation, how to solve this situation?
PPGI steel plate can actually be used as roof and door. It is not a problem to live in color steel plate activity room. However, the folk house has the habit of using the house. If you think that the PPGI steel plate is good to look at the wall, it is not satisfied whether it is firm or not, sound insulation effect, etc. As well as other problems, there should be no problem. Of course, it is impossible to use the color steel plate for the ground and support. The basic load-bearing structure of the house has to be reinforced concrete. Most of today's building materials are more expensive than PPGI steel plates if you want to be more expensive than plywood.
Posted 06 May 2019

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