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Those who have a suburban area are familiar with the problem of the presence of moles. Often to people uninitiated moles seem a problem mythical and stereotypical. But when summer residents begin the activity on a site, very soon it becomes clear that moles live not somewhere there far — in the field, in the wood, and it is concrete near us. If in a certain area there are moles, it is not two or three animals, and the whole community, which is able to dig the entire area up and down, to spoil the view of a neat lawn, to destroy a significant part of the long-awaited harvest. Therefore summer residents who are familiar with a problem of invasion of moles, seek to get rid of them by all methods. Deciding to fight moles, you need to choose the most convenient, affordable and humane method.


There are several methods of humane control of moles: ultrasonic repellents; sound devices (turntables from bottles, rattles, firecrackers); aromatic repellents; standard barrier in the form of an underground fence. The sound method is not always effective, because the functioning of the fans requires a fairly strong wind. Ultrasonic method is highly effective, but it should be noted that ultrasound can act as an irritant on people. Building an underground barrier is a radical solution to the problem. The only drawback of this method – the complexity, because the perimeter of the entire site will have to install a barrier to a meter or more depth. Less effective way can be considered scaring moles sharp smell. In burrows place crushed garlic, hemp, herring heads, and even the tow moistened with tar or kerosene. All this will scare off the moles, but they'll be back as soon as the smell is gone. Due to the lack of effectiveness of deterrent methods, summer residents have to use more stringent measures in the fight against moles. The use of poison Poison can be used in the case when the dacha is not played by small children, do not live Pets (dogs, cats, chickens, etc.) and there is no potential threat to poison someone other than moles. 

The mole is a predatory animal, so he may not pay attention to the poisoned grains, granules, pieces of poison. For such cases, special poisons with a high degree of attractiveness are developed. They contain special enzymes that mimic the smell of meat. For Example, Kroobay, Crotone, Ratoks. The use of poison is a time-saving and economical method, placing the poison in the garden takes only a few minutes. Many summer residents this method is unacceptable for ethical reasons. The Main difference between traps and traps is that in some cases, moles die, and in others remain alive. The choice of trap remains a personal preference.. The most common traps is a spring crossbow and a regular mousetrap. Their design is simple and easy to use. The trap is installed in holes excavated in the ground motion moles, preferably in two directions, since the mole can come from any direction. Typically, the mole hurts your body a special lever, works the trigger, and if it's a trap, the mole pushes the elastic wire, and in the case of the crossbow, striking him through the acute part of the trap. Traps are more difficult to use. The meaning of the trap is to catch the animal and not to harm him. Then it can be released into the wild. The trap is a container where the mole will be caught, and a trigger valve that will close the container when the mole is directly trapped.
Dog-baiting is a biological method of fighting moles. For efficiency, it is desirable that the dog was hunting. Several small dogs will help cope with moles forever. Moles dogs are very afraid and instantly leave the site as soon as they feel that they are being hunted. The only problem may be the inaccuracy of the dog, while hunting it can bring more harm, than the mole. Some farms use cats that scare away and catch the pest. It is worth remembering that moles can be potential carriers of some diseases. It is necessary to take into account before you let your dogs on the persecution, and cats on the hunt. It is desirable Pets to make appropriate vaccinations.
Planting plants that the mole doesn't like. There are a number of plants, the presence of which on the site of the mole does not tolerate and goes to other places: marigolds. Possess a sharp the scent of. Repel not only moles, but also other pests. A similar effect occurs spurge and castor. But you should be careful in using these plants, because they are poisonous and can harm children. planting of Siberian (a variety of tulips), Imperial grouse, decorative flowering onions is a safer method, but the effectiveness of these plants is much lower. These plants can be used on the site, if there are small children. if you want to approach the matter radically, then the perimeter of the entire suburban area can be planted beans. They will be a natural obstacle in the way of moles to your site.

Posted 13 May 2019

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Posted 12 Nov 2020

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