Exchequer George Osborne

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LONDON, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Financial markets remained volatile Monday despite a speech by Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne aimed at
reassuring British people and the global community following the EU referendum

The British pound plunged to a 31-year low against the dollar with some share trading temporarily halted, while yields on 10-year British government bonds
sank for the first time below 1 percent.

Among the hardest hit in the city in Monday morning trading were banks and airlines. Some of the hardest hit banks suffering the sharpest falls caused a
momentary halt in some share dealings as automatic circuit breakers kicked in.
The benchmark FTSE 100 was down 1.3 percent in late morning trading, reaching
6,059.83 points.

Reactions in currency markets, the banks and the city came after Osborne, making his first reaction since the vote to leave the EU, attempted to calm

It also came as trouble mounted for Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the main opposition Labour Party.

Facing a vote of no-confidence Monday night when Labour MPs meet at Westminster, Corbyn faced another raft of resignations Monday from his shadow
cabinet, with many of his most experienced shadow cabinet ministers quitting.

It prompted one national newspaper today to carry the headline, ""The lights are on but nobody is at home.""

In his message from the Treasury in London, Osborne said: ""Britain is ready to confront what the future holds for us from a position of strength.""

Remain supporter Osborne added: ""The people have spoken and we must all accept that result and deliver on their instructions. I fully accept the result
of the referendum and will do everything I can to make it work for Britain.""

It is inevitable the British economy is going to have to adjust to the new situation, he added, saying ""you should not underestimate our resolve. We were
prepared for the unexpected.""

He said markets may not have been expecting the referendum result, but the Treasury, the Bank of England, and the Financial Conduct Authority have spent
months putting in place robust contingency plans.

Osborne said he intends to play an active part in the upcoming post-Brexit debate, while on the opposition benches, Corbyn said if Labour MPs force a
leadership contest he will put himself forward as a contender.

" Impact of Field Monitoring and Agricultural Robots In The Asia Pacific Agriculture Equipment Market Outlook: Ken Research

by Kenresearch23 · September 27 Jared Cook Raiders Jersey , 2018

The Asia Pacific region is doing the significant job for enhancing the specifications of the technologies which are very much useful in the
agricultural field and make the efforts of farmers more effective which result
in less time to consume and more profitable. Undoubtedly, everyone one knows in
the recent trend the technologies in the agricultural field playing a vital role
and makes the Asia Pacific agricultural equipment market more attractive and
profitable for both the farmers and investors. According to the report
analysis Jared Cook Kids Jersey , ??gricultural Equipment Market Research Report??states that in the recent trend
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Pacific Agriculture equipment market more significantly and usage of these
technologies has been turning up the industry of agriculture and with the
growing population the companies are functioning more actively and develop the
applications in a more auspicious manner which make the market more advanced and
effective for every indulged person.

The field monitoring technology is playing a significant role in the agricultural field as with this the farmer can easily monitor the level of grass
available in the field and with the electrified process the farmer can save a
significant amount of money and able to sell at high to the end customers. With
the various applications of this technology the agriculture market is rising in
an effective manner and lead the market grew more significantly in the near
future. It is also observed that the Asia Pacific companies of this market are
doing effective working with the various applications of this technology and
built this industry with the several new features in the technology. The health
of crop can also be determined by this technology and crop scouting can also be
done by this technology as the user go out in the area with a tablet and gather
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The agricultural robots are also used in livestock administration such as
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Equipment Market Application??states that the Asian companies are doing an
effective job and the Asia Pacific region is dominating the handsome amount of
share with more investment in the research & development programs for doing
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It is expected that the Asia Pacific region is doing efficient working for acquiring handsome amount of share across the globe and the tech key player such
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Posted 12 Jun 2019

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