Office Fish Tanks..

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Age: 43
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Karachi, Pakistan

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Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
kewl admin, but i hav 2 say dt it cud get a lil
annoyin sitin in front of dem al da time!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

jag says
no idea, i ain't working in there :)
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
wow!i like fishies in dat way aswell, bt i mean, sittin
in fronta dem sooo many hrs a day, i think il b fed up soon!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
i suppose, but its still fishies!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

sweetie says
lol.. i'd love to work in this environment.. at least i'll get to see something else other than same faces (boss & colleagues) everyday.. its awesome.. great.

Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
oooooooook bazi, u win!
it stil fishies but DIFFERENT ones!
ya happy now? j/k!

hey sweetie, it does look kewl, doesnt it?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

sweetie says
yeah it does.. cute cute.

Posted 06 Mar 2003

jag says
maybe they should connect to the sea/river and invite new fishes everyday . .sharks etc etc. u know na!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

sweetie says
sharks.. neh thanx.. thats too big for my office.. my office is very tiny miny sa.. wont fit shark.

Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
yeah, dt wud b a gd idea admin, bt theres 1 prob
da staff wont b workin cuz dey'l b busy watchin
all da fishies eat each other up!
wel, i wudnt b able 2 work!
wud be sum good entertainment though!rite!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

jag says
lol yeah entertainment talk about :)
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
lolz, yup, n u cn keep a count of how many fishes got devoured by there
lolz...yup, n u cn count how many fishies wer devoured a week, n
if da boss aint lookin, u cn take a few fishes home 4 dinner aswel!

Posted 06 Mar 2003

jag says
dahh i hate eatin fish!! lol i can fedex to u
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
naa, i aint fond of eatin fishies either,
ws talkn in general!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
bazi, it had to hapen, how cud i not agree wid u, cuz u did hav a point there
so, dat y i agreed, simple!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
wel, dats prob cuz ya say sumthin dat id usualy agree wid! rite?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
europes ok, same ol same ol, weather is unpredictable
its sunny 1 minuten den it starts lashing da next, but no matter wt
its still cold!
by da way, do ya really live in fiji?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
n if ya want il argue wid ya sumtimes aswel!ya happy now?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

zebii says
kewl picture
Posted 06 Mar 2003

sharara says
its amazing.. the most amazing kinda office... id luv it.. infact.. i dont mind bringing in a pet turtle to work too :D
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
kewl, so hows tanzania doin?
u still in college or r ya workin bazi?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
hey 2 everybody else , dt means zebii n sharara!
Posted 06 Mar 2003

sharara says
LOL baaz
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
really bazi, tum bhi naa
Posted 06 Mar 2003

zebii says
ho bazi...u r super cool
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
pur bazi, app hutt kyun heray ho, i neva asked u to hutt jao?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

zebii says
mention not:)
Posted 06 Mar 2003

zebii says
ok baziiiiiii:)
Posted 06 Mar 2003

sharara says
ok ok ok?
Posted 06 Mar 2003

flawless says
hi bazi
wt u up 2 man?
Posted 07 Mar 2003

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