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So often we find very religious folks operating inside the realm of science. The problem is that these folks often apply their religious teachings to every
single endeavor that they study. Obviously in doing this they are going to come
to the wrong conclusions more often than not and it is for this reason we need
to kick them out of the sciences as they are not of right mind.
Recently in arguing the fact that humans are 99% DNA similar to Chimpanzees and therefore if we classify Chimps as animals then so too must be humans; a
religious nut case scoundrel claiming to be a researcher had a tiff with another
think tanker and stated;
?What you are reading and feeling is not so similar to the indifferences scientists face throughout the confines of the research work.?
The think tanker who stated the facts said; ?But I have zero feelings for this entire issue. Only the obvious denial of observation and egocentric
attitude of human beings is holding them back from reality and that is rather
appalling indeed. Go re-read Matt Ridley and my other recommended reading in
previous threads and stop arguing with me. Stephen Baxster who has discussed
this at length basically is saying Humans are nothing more than another species
of Incompetent Apes. I want nothing to do with them.?
Rather than arguing the points of contention the religious brain dead follower standing in the way of scientific fact stated; ?Evaluating percentage
between two linear DNA sequences is easy. but percentage of between two
developing species is meaningless. What molecular genetics provide us with is a
way to compare organisms in an unsuitable framework. Pair wise body comparison
is simply nonsense.?
Of course the fact stating think tanker stated more of the obvious; ?There is more difference between dogs; Chihuahua and Mastiff or Australian Shepard than a
Chimpanzee, Guerilla or Human. And we call dogs breeds but classify them in the
same species. I am
sorry Cheap Jerseys
China , there is nothing less I can do for you, as Humans maybe unique in
some ways Cheap
Jerseys , but not by much. The Genotype determines the phenotype and
phenotype development is 5050 nature vs. nurture and you go and read the Foust
book you see the Chimpanzees when raised with humans, drink
beer Cheap College Hockey
Jerseys , watch TV, like to dress up in clothes. There have also been
humans raised in the wild who act just like animals when taught to communicate
without human language. Read little wolf boy etc. They are more in-tuned with
nature and their refined attributes are so keen and in touch with nature. One
chimpanzee likes to go to the mall and try on shoes? Sound familiar. I am sorry
anyone who denies this overwhelming evidence is WRONG.?
And continued to state; ?I have no feelings for this issue Cheap College
Basketball Jerseys , only observations. You are denying all the
observation and spouting Science Terminology incorrectly and without
consideration for reality. You are dangerous to truth. If the DNA sequence is
the same then the DNA will fold the same and the proteins will be the same. I am
not buying any of what you are saying.?
You can see why the religious close-minded lunatic scientists must not be allowed to write papers or cloud the scientific world with their data or BS. We
cannot allow the forward progression of the species to be screwed over by
believers of Santa Clause any longer. So consider all this in 2006.
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