Not Good at All: Pocket Pair vs One Overcard

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Examples: Q? Q? vs A? T?; 8? 8? vs A? 5?
Another situation where the player with the overcard is in a really bad spot with just 27-32% equity. The good thing is that’s still more than every fourth time w88 casino .
Hint: Be careful if you have a weak kicker. Chances are you’re not flipping but playing with only one live card.
Standard Equity Post-Flop in No-Limit Hold’em
1) Top Pair vs Flush Draw or Straight Draw

Examples: A? 2? vs K? Q? on a flop of K? T? 8?; K? Q? vs 8? 7? on a flop of K? 9? 6?
This is comparable to the so-called "coin flip" pre-flop. It’s important to notice that there are still two cards to come so the draw has two chances of coming in ww88 .
The flush draw in the example above has a 45% chance to win while the straight draw in the second example only has 33%.
The reason is because there are still nine hearts to complete the flush draw while there are only six cards that complete the straight draw.
Hint: The chances for your draws are determined by the pot odds. If you’re getting the right pot odds you can continue profitably.
2) A Big Advantage: Top Pair vs Lower Pair
Example: K? Q? vs J? T? on a flop of K? J? 2?
A situation like this is about as one-sided as a higher vs a lower pair on the flop. The better hand is going to win 80% of the time.
Hint: Play pairs lower than top pairs very carefully. They don’t have a lot of chances to improve and are often dominated.
3) Top Pair vs Top Pair – Kicker Issues
Example: K? Q? vs K? T? on a flop of K? 7? 6?
Having a lower kicker is even worse than having a lower pair. This shows how important the kicker card is.
The dominating hand has an 83% chance of winning so it's a clear favorite.
Hint: Be careful with a top pair, bad kicker hand. The lower your kicker the more often you’re behind.
Posted 07 Jan 2020

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