Everything you ever wanted to know about Norton Privacy Manager?

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Nowadays the information you share over the Internet is going through many platforms and there is no way through which you can keep track of it. Not only small but big companies such as Facebook have undergone the side effects of these. They have been charged heavily for selling user data which is an illegal activity. In this scenario, it is very difficult to ensure your safety.
Here Norton Privacy Manager comes into action by controlling the data you share over the Internet and by keeping it safe from the evil eyes. It allows you to control your online information the way you want to. Whenever you share something online, the privacy manager routes this data through a proxy server by using high-end encryption methods. Norton claims that it does not store any of the user’s information itself.
Features of Norton Privacy Manager
Some of the highlighting features of Norton Privacy Manager are discussed below:
Unidentified Virtual Profile
Using the Norton Privacy Manager you can easily create anonymous or unidentified profiles which in turn help you in many ways. Using this you can easily create multiple such profiles and safeguard personal user information during online activities. It allows you to shop or surf the web without the fear of losing your information.
Stay anonymous
There is a built-in VPN in Norton Privacy Manager that allows a user to stay anonymous and private whenever he does any online activity. It allows you to keep the search history private which in turn prevents various organizations from sending you targeted ads. It also helps in reducing the amount of spam you get in your inbox. The VPN of privacy manager allows you to privately surf the web. It also includes ad blockers so that no hacker could track your online activities.
Norton Password manager
Apart from it, the system can also be used as a password manager. The privacy manager also remembers your passwords for you. Not only this, but it will also even suggest you hard to guess and strong passwords in case you are not able to create one yourself. Along with being highly secure it is convenient and will save you time. You don’t have to worry about anything and the best part is that it is compatible with almost all the operating systems.
Ensures private communications
Moreover, it also allows you to send or receive emails and make calls by keeping your conversations away from the evil eyes. All the data is secured via end-to-end encryption if you are using Norton Privacy Manager.
Final thoughts
Just like a secure VPN, the Norton Privacy Manager also has limited operations and it costs $30 per year. Along with this, it provides features that can be found in multiple free applications. However, you should use Norton Privacy Manager instead of using other pirated applications.
Smith Loo is an acclaimed technical writer and his articles have appeared in a number of tech websites. His articles contribute to the latest technology, solutions to technical issues in top branded printers, and viruses, and emails. He focuses on balancing informative contents along with all technical needs. Visit@:- www.norton.com/setup  .
Posted 02 Apr 2020

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