Half Blood Prince

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Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was released almost a fortnight ago on a Saturday.

I got the book delivered the following Tues and finished reading it early Thursday (last Thurs). All 607 pages.

It was a good book, but not the best Harry Potter book; have you noticed there is a trend in HP books, one book super, next book OKish. e.g.

Philosphers Stone = SUPER
Chamber of Secretes = Ok...
Prisoner of Askaban = SUPER (my fav book )
Goblet of Fire = ok...
Order of the Phoenix = Super
Half blood Prince = ok...

The ending was really sad of the 6th book, but I felt 'cheated' you end up hating Snape soooooo much at the end. Also the book starts out slow as well, and you're left thinking I am reading Harry Potter right???
Posted 28 Jul 2005

again books
Posted 29 Jul 2005

ahaan...i will watch then
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis says
Yes yes yes I remember that you hate books

But yeah Ather do see the Harry Potter movies they are really good like those rare movies that adults enjoy as much as kids.
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Asian says
My sister is 21 and a HUGE harry potter fan. it's Embarrising
Posted 31 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis says
What's embarrising about it?
Posted 01 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
don't watch Harry Pothead, its so boring...it makes u wana go to sleep
Posted 01 Aug 2005

harry Putter
Posted 01 Aug 2005

Asian said:

My sister is 21 and a HUGE harry potter fan. it's Embarrising

Posted 01 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
DəVIL said:

don't watch Harry Pothead, its so boring...it makes u wana go to sleep

Don't listen to him.

“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” the sixth of J.K. Rowling’s fantasy series, sold about 9 million copies in Britain and the United States in its first 24 hours.

Here's the proof:


If the story is so boring why has it sold so many millions of copies? btw there is both an adult cover and childrens cover meaning that adults actually read the book.
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
who cares how much it sold, Lord Of The Ring sold even more, but that done mean it aint a boring movie or a book, harrypot head sux,but if u wana go to sleep...then be my guest n read or watch ne of the pothead series...
Posted 03 Aug 2005

just for kids
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
It's a matter of intelligent taste, which you apparently don't have.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
intelligent taste
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
see its a matter of choice cuz everyone aint a bookworm

intelligent taste
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
DəVIL said:

who cares how much it sold, Lord Of The Ring sold even more, IMG]uploads/D601VIL/2005-8-3_205949_1.gif[/IMG]

Actually no book, not even the Da Vinci Code, sold as many copies in 24 hours.

The greatest selling book in history is the Bible
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
DəVIL said:

see its a matter of choice cuz everyone aint a bookworm

intelligent taste

and not everyone is shallow
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
my new name is shallow hal...

juz cuz there iz 9 million idiots in this world, dont mean the books has to be good...
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
Actually that's exactly what it means.

You haven't read the book and obviously have nothing constructive or even decent to add to the thread so stop spamming the topic.
Posted 04 Aug 2005

Rain Man says
ok my last post
the book sux
uz a bookworm
u think i'm spammin

n the joke of the day was
intelligent taste

Posted 04 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says

You have proved that you wouldn't know what a good book, or joke, was if it came and hit you on the head.
Posted 05 Aug 2005

stop it abt books
Posted 05 Aug 2005

Blue Oasis says
okay Athar
Posted 05 Aug 2005

Posted 06 Aug 2005

valandrian says
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