Common questions and concerns after knowing your stomach

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Finally, your pregnancy test result is already positive. And you feel ecstatic But then suddenly he didn't feel like that anymore. You worry May even be afraid Is the test result true or not? What if it's a false positive? Are these lines lighter than they should be? Or is that the beta hCG test (blood pregnancy test) is positive but the result of the pregnancy test itself is negative? Or vice versa Your blood effect is negative. But the results from the test series were positive.

What does all this mean?
At first, take a deep breath, realizing that feeling more anxious rather than rejoicing when a positive pregnancy outcome is normal when you make great efforts to get pregnant. You are not the first to wonder if the test is true or not. And there are many other questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about having a positive pregnancy test.As always, talk to your doctor about your concerns, especially those related to self-care.

Can this test result be a false positive?
Usually when people wonder about false positives They will be concerned that they are seeing an evaporation line, which makes the results of the pregnancy test look like they are. This will look like a faint line, but not a really positive result. Urine specimen vapors are more common on some brands of pregnancy tests. The evaporation marks are almost no color. It looks like just a faint line where you would expect to see a pink line, but it's not (or maybe blue. Depends on the color of the test kit)
The evaporation of the urine sample will not appear on the test strip if you look at it for a specified period Most kits require you to look at the test strips for a set period of time. For example, a test guide may suggest that you look at the results three minutes after the test is performed. But not more than ten minutes Which is important to follow the manual
This problem does not occur with digital test kits. The digital test will show whether or not you are pregnant, there are no tabs to interpret or think too much. This is another advantage of digital test kits. Although it is more expensive

Am I imagining this line?
Worried that you're seeing a pink band that isn't really there? Trust me, you're not the first to doubt this. I never forget when I saw the pink stripes on the test strips when I was pregnant with twins. I handed a test strip to my husband's face and tightened what he saw. (To which he replied "Is that the second tab?")
I still remember the months that I really thought And then it's just a very faint pink band, which I thought and hoped for myself that it actually existed. (No one saw that bar except me)
Don't be shy to ask your partner or your friend if the second tab looks like a second tab to them. You can take pictures and ask online. Be it in the online community or facebook, your friends will be happy to help you translate them!

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Posted 03 Feb 2021

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