How to use time-tracking in QuickBooks Online?

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Age: 2024
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have this on an ’Invoice.’ You need to overwrite the hourlyrate of the service item so that it is reflected correctly on the invoice at
the correct rate in the foreign currency. QuickBooks desktop will depict ‘the
selling price’ of the service item’s rate to a foreign currency at the existent
rate of exchange present on that date.
QuickBooksOnline Time Tracking does not have ‘Price levels’ at this point.Improvements are awaited. You cannot track the ‘Billable time’ for a particular
‘foreign currency customer’ in QB online currently.
You can unmark the ‘checkmark’ next to the ‘bill at’option to track the ‘Billable time,’ however, this entry will not come in the
drawer next to the ‘invoice of this foreign customer.
Posted 08 Feb 2021

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