How I avoided getting addicted to World Of Warcraft Classic

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I’ve been clean for over six years. I had got to the point where I didn’t even think about it anymore, when once upon a time it was
everything and everyone. I would spend every waking hour thinking about
it, I would cancel nights out because I wanted to indulge myself. I even
called in sick to work on occasions, so I could spend more time with my
mistress. She got back in touch recently. I bought a new laptop, as did
my partner who also had a fling with her. I joked with him about
starting up our relationship again, maybe as a threesome. Then one day
it happened. He messaged me while I was on the train coming home. He’d
downloaded World Of Warcraft and was playing classic (so he said). He’d
succumbed. I folded immediately and asked him to download it on my
laptop. By the time I got home I was too drunk and tired to consider
playing, so I decided it would be the following night I reignited my
passion with this addictive, all-consuming, beast of a game.To get more
news about safe wow classic gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
When I got home the following day, after thinking about my love the whole day, I realised he wasn’t playing Classic, he was playing normal
World Of Warcraft. I had been surprised the classic version was free,
and it turned out it wasn’t. You need a full World Of Warcraft account
to play Classic. So I was faced with a choice, play normal World Of
Warcraft for free, play Classic with a new account or play Classic with
my old account. I didn’t want to spend money on a new account when my
old one was sat there with all my progress and I really wanted to play
Classic, not normal. Gaining access to my old account seemed like the
only viable option.
My account was locked behind an authenticator on a phone long since traded in, so I had to email a scan of my passport to Blizzard so I
could regain access. For about half an hour I was checking my emails
every five minutes to see if they had replied. I realised it may take
some time so I decided to watch Twitch and find someone playing World Of
Warcraft Classic so I could have a look. I found someone doing a raid
on Zul’Gurrub.
I watched them clear numerous mobs and bosses and it all began flooding back. The memories of my small band of adventurers taking on
bosses and waiting in anticipation for the loot drop, hoping it would be
for you. The camaraderie as we did it. The crafting and the gathering,
the levelling and the massive world to explore. It was all so tempting
and exciting. Then they restarted the raid and repeated what they’d just
done, hoping for a different drop. And I had a moment of clarity – what
on earth am I doing?
I never watch Twitch. In fact, I’m fairly vocal on the whole ‘watch someone else play’ scenario. Why would I watch someone playing when I
could be playing myself? She had already consumed me. I was reading
articles, watching Twitch, and had spent the whole day in a state of
excitement not experienced since Skyrim VR came into my life. But that
moment of clarity saved me.
Posted 27 Feb 2021

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