The construction paradigm has to evolve: experts analyze the transformation of cities.

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The construction sector bases its businessmodel on a primary human need: to have a place to live and in which to feel
Sets of houses form colonies that by addingbuildings and transport roads give rise to cities. And this is the basis
of urbanism. 
The data below denote the populationdensities of Latin America and Europe. In the European continent, 53% of
the territory is habitable, which gives rise to a sustainable balance, while in
Latin America there are 83% urban areas, which generates certain complications
for life in them. From there we can infer how this urban density affects
the different territories in a health crisis. 
Indeed, COVID-19 has shown us acrosscountries, how their streets, squares, monuments, businesses and entire cities
look empty, they seem almost architectural models. In cities with high
population density such as Guadalajara or Mexico City, as a health security
measure to avoid massive infections, we see their cathedrals closed for the
first time. 
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Reflection begins 
Cinthia Xochicale, founding partner of theFundamental office (an expert in construction and urban planning) comments as
follows: “an empty city reminds us that the main actors are the inhabitants,
since without them there is no life”. The city is definitely made by the
people who inhabit it, beyond its buildings, bypasses, gardens, etc. 
In turn, Cinthia points to a reflection ofgreat relevance and relevance: “this moment will lead us to question the way in
which the habitat should be rebuilt; learning processes regarding the use
of technology will be accelerated, the asymmetric gap in the formation of
cities will have to be eliminated ”.
Paradigm shift 
The reflections of the analysts must betranslated into concrete actions. As is the development of new urban
plans, a fundamental point to be able to face new stages of crisis, from the
economic to the health ones like the current one. 
Now architects must design buildings withthe ability to quickly shift their attributions to a different use. For
example, have common, spacious and open areas that allow collection centers to
be set up there. This characteristic should apply to all types of
developments, whether vertical, housing and especially those of social
We must rethink the habitability conditionsof the large subdivisions that are offered in cities, and anticipate
possible scenarios in the face of future threats such as scarcity of
resources, pandemics, global warming and overpopulation, among others. A
positive change in the urban environment implies the recovery of public spaces,
green areas and multipurpose rooms, to name a few. These, as mentioned
above, can function as logistics and treatment areas during epidemics. 
Likewise, having more green andrecreational areas allows the population to remain active. By having a
recreational or sports activity, people's health is strengthened to positively
cope with diseases. 
“Of course, all sectors have been affected,but one that will be fundamental for the economic reactivation of the country
will be construction. Urban development will make it possible to
compensate, in some way, for the economic disaster suffered this season; This
will also allow the curve in macroeconomic indicators to rise and may, in turn,
help other related sectors to get ahead, ”concludes Xochicale. 
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Several analysts point out that we arefacing a great opportunity to evaluate the impact that cities have on the
different spheres of daily life. That is, how green areas directly affect
the health of the population, how mobility is built in urban areas (with a
special focus on facilitating the work of emergency bodies), how basic services
and their accessibility are integrated and how are the habitability conditions
by region. 
From the areas of opportunity that areidentified, new plans must be generated to prevent future crises from seriously
affecting the population, since the city depends on the citizens and they
depend on the city. 
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