Watch carefully after vaccination. "Side effects and allergic reactions" are not the same.

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From data on the slot online number of people who received the COVID-19 vaccine in Thailand at this time. The latest number is 13,464 cases (data on March 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM), which after vaccination. Found those who have had an adverse reaction. Or side effects), a total of 119 cases, including those with severe and mild symptoms.
For people with severe symptoms A 28-year-old female healthcare worker, experienced severe allergic reactions 3 hours after vaccination, nausea, vomiting and low blood pressure. The information we found was this person. Have a history of allergic reaction to Penicillin (a type of antibiotic Used by prescription) and at this time received timely treatment By injection of adrenaline Therefore had better symptoms And completely safe
When following news from various pages It will be found that many people who are not yet aware that after vaccination they may have side effects. And still do not know how those symptoms are This has raised concerns that the vaccine may not be safe. Injecting it can be fatal. Even though the vaccine is a substance that is very safe And less side effects, so the side effects that this can be found in some cases.
Data from the COVID-19 Information Center provides examples of possible side effects when receiving the mRNA vaccine.
Pain at the injection site 70.7 percent
Exhaustion 33.4 percent
Headache 29.4 percent
22.8 percent muscle aches
11.5 percent cold
11.4 percent had a fever
Pain in the joint area, 10.4 percent
Nausea, 8.9 percent
That makes after being vaccinated Must sit and wait for about 30 minutes to observe symptoms first to see how they are found If you have any of the above symptoms It is considered a normal condition that can occur without permission to go home. But need to follow up for another period of 1 day, 7 days, and 30 days after getting the vaccine to observe allergy symptoms.
Ensuring that the vaccine is safe
In fact, vaccines that have been manufactured until they are registered And bring this practicality It is already safe But we may have to be prepared to deal with the side effects that may occur. Due to the vaccine Considered to be a type of foreign matter That if injected into the body The body will recognize that a foreign matter has entered. It will then stimulate the immune system to work. Create what is known as an antibody to deal with the foreign body Make our body immune from that foreign matter
Which while the body is getting to know this foreign body Is a period that may occur side effects come up
However, it must be known that "Side effects" and "allergic reactions" are not the same, so in people with allergies. (No matter what allergies) Do not get vaccinated without consulting a doctor. And absolutely must not hide your own history of allergy Because people with allergies The symptoms are more severe than normal people who only suffer side effects. In those cases who are allergic, urgently need to be taken to the hospital. In which severe vaccine intolerance is found
A rash
Low pressure
Difficulty in breathing, chest tightness
Rapid pulse
Have a high fever
Severe headache
Crooked mouth, muscle weakness
Heavy vomiting
Seizures / loss of consciousness
How to treat
In people with mild side effects You don't need to see a doctor, for example if you have pain at the injection site, headache, muscle aches or fever, you can take paracetamol-type pain relievers. If there is a mild allergic reaction May receive antihistamines as well If there is swelling Able to use compresses for treatment If you are feeling tired and feeling cold, you should get more rest. After that, the symptoms will go away on their own and should be normal. Nothing to worry about
In people with allergies In addition to the side effects mentioned above. The patient's body responds quickly and severely to foreign bodies. Resulting in allergic reactions Therefore have to be very careful, so after getting the vaccine Must observe their symptoms closely and continue until the end of 30 days that they have side effects or a severe allergic reaction or not. In order to receive timely treatment if there is an allergic reaction

Posted 14 Mar 2021

Zavylon says
Bist du ständig beschämt, wenn du dein Mädchen ausziehst? Keine Sorge, mein Freund, Impotenz ist kein Satz, dieses Problem kann gelöst werden, und dafür würde ich Ihnen raten, Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Seite zu lenken, versuchen Sie es auch, hier verkaufen Sie eine wirklich gute Medizin
Posted 20 May 2022

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