The Roost is one of the most anticipated elements to return to Animal Crossing New Horizons, and Brewster is one of the game's most beloved unique characters. If Roost does return, it can look just as it did in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. There may not be some of the older styles, but there may be a reasonable excuse for
Animal Crossing Nook Mile Tickets to resemble some of the older games.
This New Leaf style is arguably the best Roost version; it's so warm and great, but it still captures a more trendy cafe, such as a Starbucks. It would be great to have a little seating area where you and your mates can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee. It'd be much cooler if you could configure the interior of the Roost.
There will be a compelling explanation for it to resemble the older games rather than New Leaf. That is also the place of the Roost. So this is necessary to mention: data mining has shown that the Roost will be placed inside the museum in Animal Crossing New Horizons. So there is proof that the Roost will be upgraded into a museum update where you will be able to visit the Roost anywhere in the museum. This was the case of City Folk and Wild World. This makes a lot of sense, since including more exterior structures at this point in the game's life cycle will be difficult because it will interfere with how other people have built their islands. Other people don't care; they prefer to see the Roost as a different unit, close to the New Leaf. However, according to the data mines, it will be inside the museum. So, if you've built a spot for the Roost on your island, you may want to hide it.
It also discussed that the Gyroids could play a role. So maybe we'll be able to have our own mini-Gyroid exhibit inside the Roost. That's what the data mines said, but we don't know anything about it yet. It may be connected to the older games in any way. Perhaps the Roost should be built to appear more like it did in the older games. So, rather than a new building for the Roost, it is quite probable that we will see further museum upgrades.
The chance to function at the Roost is one of its cool things. After you've spoken to Brewster enough, you might work for him. In Animal Crossing, you might become a barista! You might take instructions from all of the various villagers, as well as certain unique characters, who would come to visit and want their coffee handled a certain way. But you'd have to memorize these, or you might search around for a cheat sheet. There are various approaches, but this return will be optimal. It's a simple mini-game, and it might be a fun place to get some of the game's more cafe-themed pieces. They could incorporate any fresh ones, and if Gyroids are introduced again, they could put out the classic Brewster Gyroids. It provided you with something different to do every day.
The Roost will be where we'd find unique characters that had been cut from New Horizons. Characters such as Harriet and others are unlikely to make a full-time return to New Horizons. Many of the characters who have been deleted because they no longer serve a reason, such as Chip, Nat, Joan, and Harriet, will return to the Roost to sit down, much as they did in previous games. And it is there where you will be willing to communicate and discuss with them. It might be a disappointment to you that these characters will only appear in cameos. Yeah, all of you want them to return as full-time protagonists, but let's be honest: Harriet returning to open a hair salon so you can use the mirror is impossible. It's not going to happen. Nintendo has turned the emphasis away from making these characters and their systems, so it will be good to see them return to the Roost.