Current flow Marijuana and hemp In Thailand, it is fueled by a push to legalize cannabis for the possession, cultivation, medical use or for personal activities as required by law. Thus causing a lot of interest in the general public Many
slotxo people began to search for information. Is often confused between Marijuana and hemp Many times it was mistaken that they were the same type. The properties are the same But do you know that it is completely wrong? So what's the difference? Today, INN is ready to solve the problem and go and read it.
1. Same family, different subspecies
Marijuana and Hemp, both plants. They are native to the same family, Cannabaceae, and also in the same genus Cannabis, but different in the subspecies. There are various subspecies of cannabis such as Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis And hemp itself contains THC (Tetrahydro Cannabionol) oil that is less medically beneficial than marijuana, at all, not classified as a narcotic.
2. The different characteristics of cannabis and hemp
As they were from the same origin and genus, they hardly could be seen through their eyes. But if you look carefully, you can see the difference clearly, starting with the appearance of the cannabis leaves, the leaves are small, narrow, long, green with 5-7 lobes, while the hemp leaves are large. They are quite distant, light green, with 7-11 lobes. The stems are short, tall, slender, large hemp bushes, the rinds of cannabis, the bark is not sticky, hard to peel.
3. The benefits of cannabis and hemp
Cannabis contains THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) in amounts that can be extracted for medicinal purposes. It can be used in medicine as a treatment for certain diseases. But there is a danger to the nervous system.
Hemp, high-quality fiber, is often used in the processing industry. It is used in drug processing, such as to reduce pain. Against the symptoms of epilepsy, etc.
At this point, we can see the difference between cannabis and hemp, both of the present and useful properties, although both are very useful. But still in strict control For research use Study the medical benefits Economic peach cultivation