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7 beautiful scrub recipes with coffee grounds
Recipe 1: 2 tablespoons ground coffee grounds, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 3 tablespoons of fresh milk or yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of honey.Mix all the ingredients together and apply over the face. Or if you are going to mask the body, add the amount of ingredients as appropriate Then leave it for 15-20 minutes while washing it off, then scrub it gently, too, will help keep the face and skin moist, gradually white, clear skin with this coffee formula, if done after waking up, it will be a good breakfast in the Helps to stimulate skin freshness.
Recipe 2. 1 cup coffee grounds, 1 1/2 cups coarse salt, 1 cup coconut oil and 5-15 drops of lemon juice. Mix the grounds with coarse salt until well blended. Add coconut oil and lemon juice, stir well, put in a glass jar and close the lid tightly. When exfoliating the skin, it can be used as often as needed. Will help get rid of dirt on the skin to be clean, white, smooth and bright
Recipe 3: 1 cup coffee grounds, 1 cup natural yogurt, 1/2 cup tamarind, 1/2 cup honey and a little water. Mix yogurt, tamarind, honey and water until well blended. Then add the coffee grounds to mix until combined. Then apply the mask around the body all over Leave it for 15-20 minutes or until dry, scrub along with the rinse. Will help eliminate scurf and dead skin cells easily fall off. Certified coffee scrub, this beautiful clear formula makes the skin instantly clearer
Recipe number 4: 1 cup coffee grounds, 1 cup natural yogurt, and 2 tablespoons turmeric powder. Then scrub it over the mask and leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Your skin will be clean and smooth. Or use it to scrub the face, pimple or acne-prone, leave it for 20-30 minutes, rinse with water. It is best to apply a nourishing cream or lotion immediately to prevent dry skin.
Recipe number 5, 1 cup coffee grounds and 1/2 cup baby oil, when mixed ingredients together well, then scrubbed over for about 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Beautiful scrub with coffee grounds, this formula is suitable for people with dry skin. Because coffee grounds help get rid of various toxins It leaves the skin well. Baby oil also helps to restore moisture to the skin.
Recipe 6: 1/2 cup coffee grounds, 1/2 cup granulated sugar and 1/4 cup coconut oil. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency. (Can be stored in a glass jar to use many times) to scrub the body thoroughly by focusing on the area of ??the skin, such as elbows, knees, cellulite areas, etc. for 5-10 minutes. It will help keep the skin soft and smooth and healthy, and will help get rid of cellulite well.
Recipe 7: 1 cup of coffee grounds and 1 cup of warm water mixed together and then used for a body scrub. Especially people with cellulite problems, rub gently. The area is about 10 minutes, 2 times a week consecutively for 1 month, certifying that the skin is beautiful with this formula of coffee grounds. The cellulite that has been with us for a long time will gradually disappear.