Rationals often wear dark colors and don't fuss much about wardrobe

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Artisans tend to follow the latest trends. They will frequently push the fashion envelope, in order to convey a sense of independence and freedom. Joe knew that he was smarter and faster than any of his co-workers, but was never considered for a supervisory position. Why? The top brass thought he looked grungy and unkempt. Despite his qualifications, Joe's image didn't say Management Material.
Rationals often wear dark colors and don't fuss much about wardrobe. They can get stuck in a rut and become too 'geeky' looking. If your work attire includes bow ties and/or pocket protectors, we are talking about you. It's good to come out of your intellectual dark room every few years for a wardrobe once-over. Do your clothes send the proper message? Marina, a recent graduate and publishing assistant, was still wearing the baggy, comfortable attire she wore in college. She was surprised-and delighted-to find that her opinions had more impact once she upgraded to blazers and tailored slacks.
Idealists wear clothes that show their unique character. Those working in creative fields are often appreciated for their flair, setting trends rather than following them. Jose was great at networking, and had many important contacts in his field. He learned that in some circles, he had to tone down his style in order to make points and be taken seriously.
Posted 26 May 2021

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