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Are inbound passenger flights to Pakistan operational?

Pakistan has suspended international flight operations since 21[sup]st[/sup] March, 2020. Pakistani airlines, along with approved international carries, are being allowed to bring back stranded Pakistani passengers from abroad. Please note that the number and origin of these flights are being reviewed on a regular basis, and approved flight schedules can be found at Please note that these flights are subject to change without prior notice due to the evolving situation.

Are outbound passenger flights from Pakistan operational?

Pakistan has suspended international flight operations since 21[sup]st[/sup] March, 2020. However, Pakistani and other airlines are being allowed to take back citizens of different countries from Pakistan through special flights.

Are international private flights operational?

Limited international private flights are currently being allowed by special permission. Upper limit on passengers; and date and time of arrival is being  charter flights to puerto rico determined by the Civil Aviation Authority and not by the flight operator. Please contact Civil Aviation Authority for further information. Passengers on inbound international private flights are being subject to the same testing and quarantine procedures as for inbound international passenger flights.

Are domestic passenger flights operational?

Domestic passenger flights have been suspended since 21[sup]st[/sup] March, 2020. Only limited flights between Islamabad- Gilgit-Islamabad and Islamabad-Skardu-Islamabad are operational.

Are domestic private flights operational?

Only limited domestic private flights are currently allowed by special permission. Upper limit on passengers; and date and time of arrival will be determined by the Civil Aviation Authority and not by the flight operator. Please contact Civil Aviation Authority for information.

I wish to return to Pakistan. What procedure should I follow?

If you are stranded outside Pakistan, please reach out to the Pakistani embassy/mission in your host country to register as a stranded passenger. Embassies/missions abroad are responsible for prioritizing stranded passengers according to a transparent criterion for special flights coming to Pakistan.
In addition limited number of commercial flights have also been allowed. Tickets for commercial flights can be booked as routine passenger flights from respective airline.

Posted 24 Jun 2021

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Posted 24 Jun 2021

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