Actions to prevent COVID-19 must be carried out rigorously in all areas from
1) Provide health screening points for the elderly staff, operators, visitors and relatives The entrance area of ??the building that covers all service users.
2) Clean common areas or areas such as bathrooms, toilets, focusing on various risk points, such as toilets, toilet flushers or urinals, flushing hoses, bolts or doorknobs, seat covers.
3) Provide a container to support the waste generated by the care. or providing nursing care to the elderly with a cover In the case of an elderly care facility that has a kitchen or canteen Must operate properly in accordance with food sanitation principles. and wash your hands regularly with soap and water before handling or handling food. Wear a mask while working
4) provide containers and personal items for the elderly; and
5) Refrain from or avoid organizing activities that include gatherings of the elderly in case of receiving donations. To reduce the spread and spread of COVID-19 The epidemic is now
Operators and staff caring for the elderly Bedding, handrails, orthotics, air mattresses, walking aids should be cleaned at least twice a day with a cleaning solution and strict screening of workers and visitors. using the self-assessment system via the website "Thai Safe Thai" before entering the workforce to assess individual risks
Service must be taken care of according to the standard of care for the elderly. along with taking care of yourself with regular exercise and get enough rest self-observation If you have fever, cough, sneeze, runny nose or breathlessness Notify the elderly care facility operator and seek immediate medical attention.
Caregivers must emphasize the elderly to maintain good hygiene by washing their hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or cleaning their hands with alcohol gel every time before eating and after going to the toilet. Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose with your hands, not sharing personal items. Eat hot cooked food thoroughly. use personal spoon Keep a distance of 1-2 meters from other people and take care of your health. To be strong, exercise regularly.
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