The best protein to build muscle and the amount of protein that should be obtained after exercise

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How much protein does your body need after exercise? Is it enough to build muscle? Do we need to drink protein shakes immediately after strength training? Will getting more protein help me burn more fat? Or will it help to increase muscle or not? Let's find out about growing muscle and protein in this article.

Source:  joker

What does protein do to our body?
As a macronutrient, protein is one of the nutrients that aid in muscle building and plays an important role in several areas:
Promote the functioning of the muscles
transport fat and oxygen
repair damaged cells
Helps maintain the health of connective tissue and cartilage.
Makes hair and nails healthy.
Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. Contains the most important, minor and non-important amino acids. which the body cannot create by itself, must only get it from food
Meat protein vs plant protein
If your friends' goals is to increase muscle mass It is necessary to get protein from both meat and plant foods.
meat protein source
Meat and meat products, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products
plant protein source
Lentils , nuts , tofu , pumpkin seeds , oats , almonds , quinoa , chickpeas
it depends on us whether you want protein from plants or animals We can get enough protein from plants. However, meat protein has a greater effect on building muscle. Vegetarians are not getting the essential amino acids. Experts therefore recommend eating a balanced plant-based diet to get enough nutrients.

How much protein do we need to gain muscle?
The best protein to build muscle and the amount of protein that should be obtained after exercise
1. How much protein should we get after exercise?
More protein doesn't always mean better. because the body cannot absorb it completely The results showed that 20 grams of protein after exercise was considered appropriate for muscle synthesis.
The protein that we get too much may be stored in the form of fat. because it is an excess of calories And we should get protein after exercise within 30-60 minutes. And friends, remember that the body will absorb protein better if we get carbohydrates as well.
2. Is it necessary to drink protein shakes immediately after exercise?
Protein shakes are made to be quick and easy. Whey protein is designed to be consumed after exercise. Our bodies will be able to absorb it immediately. Or if you want to get protein from food, food can be done. But most people tend to exercise for a long time. On a regular basis, they often don't get as much protein from their diets as protein shakes. which is good for building muscle
P.S. You should choose a protein check that doesn't contain artificial ingredients, chemicals, fillers, etc. because it will make the liver work more. And remember, the higher the quality, the more expensive protein. Buy them when they're on sale or get your protein from your diet.
3. The more protein you get, the more muscle you can build. and burn more fat or not
I want you to stop thinking that the more you get at a time, the better because we should get protein divided. together all day Separated for meals and snacks We should get 20 grams of protein after exercise. And the rest can be obtained from the food that we can eat.

Posted 03 Aug 2021

Posted 08 Aug 2021

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