MIPS meets changes to ballistic helmet testing standards
MIPS, the leading brain protection system company, is leading the charge towards the tactical helmets of the future by presenting and discussing a new oblique test method for military helmets. Currently, ballistic helmet testing protocols focus on linear, percussive impacts from shrapnel, bullets, or other debris. MIPS’ proprietary brain protection systems will answer a new testing standard that more fully reflects head trauma threats that are prevalent in training and on the battlefield. By accounting for the rotation of the head in the milliseconds following an impact, new testing can address the shearing forces that contribute to many of the brain injuries affecting armed forces and law enforcement personnel.To get more news about
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The US Department of Defense (DoD), through the Committee on Review of Test Protocols Used by the DoD to Test Combat Helmets and the Board on Army Science and Technology recently reviewed their testing protocols and their assessment document identified rotational motion as an important contributor to brain injuries, hemorrhages, tissue contusions, and vascular tears. Further studies have shown that approximately 327,000 traumatic brain injuries (TBI) have occured from US military activities over a 15 year period. Of those, the non-battle causes, including blunt traumatic injuries,
produced nearly 50 percent of the hospitalization for TBI in Iraq/Afghanistan. The US DoD additionally recommended that for new generations of helmets, the scope of studies should be broader than what is currently being done. Research by the same scientists whose work informed the development of MIPS have been cited in this assessment.
“We’re in a time of accelerating advancements in the kind of helmet protection we can offer soldiers and law enforcement,”say Johan Thiel, CEO of MIPS.
“While producers should continue to focus on helmets that protect from weapons fire and shrapnel, it’s just as crucial that we address the brain injuries that can happen under a wider variety of circumstances.”
MIPS and leading body armor brand SAFE4U-US have collaborated on a helmet to directly address these issues for active military personnel. The S4U-SOF HELMET, a restricted product for special forces, offers field-tested comfort and is the lightest helmet on the market for high ballistic performance. Tested in the USA Laboratory National Technical Systems NIJ lllA for cold, hot and seawater, the helmet performed with outstanding results. The complete helmet weighs just 900g and offers the MIPS brain protection system.