- guilty for being raped -

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France, France

.........................the French businesswoman Touria Tiouli went to court in the UAE. Heedlessly risking the recycling of vague Orientalist clichés, Dubai officials have turned her charge that she was raped by three men on its head and accused her of zina, sexual activity outside marriage. In Dubai, a bastion of moderate Islam, this charge isn’t punishable by stoning, as it is in more hard-line Muslim countries — it only carries an 18-month jail sentence.

Tiouli continues to fight: on Sunday she entered a not guilty plea. To the claims of her attackers that she was a willing participant and, in fact, a prostitute whom they duly paid, she replied simply, "My lawyer will prove I did not consent. If I had consented, I would not have brought the case."

Indeed, it’s hard to imagine a prostitute in Dubai going to the police willingly under any circumstances. For Sharia courts all over the Islamic world seem only too willing to reinforce the stereotypes of Islam that Said deplores, particularly where women are concerned.

can someone tell me wot happend to these 3 men who hired a prostitute ??

In Nigeria, a woman named Sufiyatu Huseini suffered through circumstances remarkably similar to Tiouli’s. She said she was raped, but the man she accused denied it, and instead Huseini was charged with adultery.

Nigeria is no moderate Dubai: Huseini faced death by stoning until the verdict was overturned under international pressure.
According to Aliyu Abubakar Sanyinna, the attorney general of Nigeria’s Zamfara state (where Huseini went through her ordeal), this codified miscarriage of justice is "the law of Allah. By executing anybody that is convicted under Islamic law, we are just complying with the laws of Allah, so we don’t have anything to worry about."

"According to Islamic Sharia," says the Nigerian Imam Mallam Muhammad Sani Isa, "it cannot be considered rape unless you asked for help."

Im not sure but i think she is the one who had a kid after this case.. if she is guilty of zina, y the police didnt try to find out the man who was involved in this case ??

Countless other women in similar situations have already been stoned to death or jailed. According to Sisters in Islam, a Malaysian advocacy group for Muslim women, in Pakistan "three out of four women in prison . . . are rape victims."

Traditional Islamic law, which is still very much in force in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, most (if not all) of post-Taliban Afghanistan, and elsewhere, completely disregards the testimony of women in cases of a sexual nature. Aside from physical evidence, the only way to establish rape is by the testimony of four male witnesses (who, by the way, must be Muslims in good standing) who actually saw the act itself. Without these witnesses and a confession from the accused rapist, the victim will stand condemned by her very accusation: she wasn’t raped, so she must be guilty of zina.

I know a lot of ppl will post things like
"yeh Islam k khilaf propaganda hai"
"europe aur america mei itne aise cases hote hein"
"west mei bhi to aurat ki koi izzat nahi"

this is not my pb,, im not willing to compare east to west or muslims to other ppl
this article is infact written by an american, and the reason is obv to show ppl a wrong face of Islam. i eddited half of article jo cheezein mujhe galt/gair zaroori lagi,,

coming to the point
jab hum log aur hamare scholars Islam aur Shariat ka naam le k aik galt sys ko promote karein ge to
how do u expect k Islam ka image dunya ki nazar mei kya ho

a request :
plz plzzz yahan koi fazoool kisam k comments na kare
if u r unable to answer my question (in bold) plz stay away from this topic
Posted 22 Jun 2006

Ashii says
move it to serious corner
Posted 22 Jun 2006

BadShaH1 says
That is indeed a matter of great concern we face ,its among many problems we r facing due to jahalat overtaking us. It is our duty to fight jahalat contnuously, till we die.

The Islamic law does not by any means unprotect wemen. But it is those false alims and moolahs which have so wantingly declared islam as their premesis and we have allocted the understanding of Our DIN to them.

I would try my best to resolve the matters on my behalf and i urge my fellows to do so as well.
Posted 22 Jun 2006

Ashii says
u r rite
we all shd try to do something without looking toward the rest of world
things shd b clear in our mind,, no matter the pb concerns us directly or not
Posted 23 Jun 2006

Asian says
Its a serious issue in british Law

the C.P.S (Crown Prosection Service) wouldent prosecute for a prostitute who had been raped so she had to bring a Private Prosecution. even in Westurn societys this still keeps intail the prejudices,

i dont agree with Prostitution, but i do not hate the women that do it, hum ko kaya pata ka koon se Majboori se essay kaam se orat ka shara lena perta hai, i say don't stone the women. STONE THE MEN WHO ADD TO THIS PAIN!

my view anyways

but Consent is a hazy thing like the Precedent of Prince(he took a 16 year old girl who told him she was 18 and ran off with her to ger married) HELD: gulity, not knowing is still an offence, Reguardless of the info at the time

This case applys to the World Wide Legal system even though its of 1865

hmmmmm intresting thanx sall
Posted 23 Jun 2006

Ashii says
here the issue is not to compare islam to west
in Islam/shariat prostitution is haram... no matter wot the situation is
Islam being the perfect religion dont need to follow the west

i totaly agree to ur point,,, a prost is not or less guilty than man who hired her

and wot abt Huseini
she was not a prost
Posted 23 Jun 2006

Posted 23 Jun 2006

Ashii says
thnx queenu

i ve read few comments of europeans abt this issue
(ppl who are not necessarily racists or enemies or Islam)
wot they said abt MUSLIM ppl's mentality is probably not v wrong

- a woman must know how to protect herself, if she s unable to do this she is responsible
- women' body is a way to attract men. if she s not covered well and attracts men, she is responsible for wot hapen to her.

is it true,,,
is this the way WE THINK
Posted 26 Jun 2006

Asian says
In certain circumstances yes, but its not what u wear its how u wear it, see i will wear a mini skirt, but i wear it with a thick pair of tights and snow boots , so its not trashy or dissrespectfull

yet some men are Perverts Reguardless of what a woman wears

its a balace i guess
Posted 26 Jun 2006

OK, OK!! wait a sec everybody. I don't really know the whole story in both instances. We do not know what evidences were presented in the court and how that decision was made. so let us not be the judge on half-fried stories.

Now, if there are cases of abuse and injustices, ya bet ya! and its not limited to muslim countries. BTW, what is islamic in those so called muslim countries except some rituals?

Provocative outlook definitely contributes to the problem. trend and fashion have caused people to shed clothes. We have become judge of what is decent and what's trashy. We set our own standards and are adament about it being right while judging others as wrong doers.
Posted 28 Jun 2006

Ashii says
im not sure abt the 1st story SD
but the 2nd woman was raped

but u probably didnt read my questions
imagine for a moment both women are guilty... they have to b punished
but where are MEN involved with them ???????????

I already said its not a comparaison between Islam and West
i know nothing is Islamic in our societies but wot would u do when an Islamic scholar gives such comments ""According to Islamic Sharia," says the Nigerian Imam Mallam Muhammad Sani Isa, "it cannot be considered rape unless you asked for help.""

Provocative outlooks are infact a pb
but for me it has nothing to do with rape issue
most of girls/women raped in our countries belong to poor rural areas,,, who are almost vv much covered

if short clothes were a pb,,,, every "muslim guy" migrated to western countries should become a rapist
Posted 28 Jun 2006

I don't know how you concluded about victimization of 2nd girl.

There is a technical difficulty here. When a person is charged with rape and the accused stands a trial for it can not be tried for un-Islamic conduct of having consentual extra-marital relationship. When the accused is acquitted of those charges, he is a free man.

Statement of local imam - We don't know the context of it and why he makes that statement.

You are confusing me Sall. You agree that provocative outlook is a problem but then you see it unrelated with rape issue

Girls in skimpy clothes, be in media or in real, provoke sexual desires of potental rapist beyond control. Rapists desire for sexual fullfilment blind them of any sensibilty. They may not rape those girls but will prey upon the most vulnerable and accessible women to them. Women donning provocative clothes are not directly responsible for the acts of rapists but are indeed socially and morally responsible for pushing people over the edge.
Posted 28 Jun 2006

Ashii says
let me add that this technical difficulty after acquiting the 'rapist' charges raped woman for adultry,,,,,
and that ruined life of thousands

now thats funnny yar
i agree that women in short clothes provok sexual desire of men,, but saying that they r socialy and moraly RESPONSIBLE for pushing ppl.......
NOOOOOO,, plzzz nooooooooo

i neverrrr understoood that
y do we always victimise men for their desires ??? whatever happen to a woman we alwaaayyyyyys find a reason to give her almost entire responsibility
if she s harrased at work or in college we simply say "she shd stay at home and cover herself"
if she has pbs with her husband we say "she shd b more obedient"
even when she s raped we find allll raesons to disgrace her

a guy going on wrong way is justified by his AGE, SEXE, women provocating his desires,, etc etc
wot abt a woman ??
have u ever heard someone saying that poor girl is too young/innocent and she was unable to control herself???

y women sexuality is a taboooooooo
arent they human,,, dont they have same desires as men
have u ever followed a case where a woman was raped ??
ever heard quest asked to her ?????

i dont think if there s a pb with Islamic law,, but the way it is interpreted
its said in Quran pak
"Do not treat God's Signs as a jest, but solemnly rehearse God's favours on you, and the fact that He sent down to you the Book and Wisdom, for your instruction"
u know better than me SD

u talked abt media
no one force us to watch these channels with women in half (or no) clothes,, its our own choice
media is exactly like LIFE,, u have to make a choice,,, agar aap ka zehn hi kharab hai to u ll go on wrong path
but the path is not responsible,, its U

the most important,, im talking abt rape issue in Islamic countries
we can conver and hide OUR women,,, but does it mean OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS will stop watchin these channels with gals in skimmmmmpy clothes ???
Posted 02 Jul 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

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